新起航大学英语 Unit 4.ppt

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新起航大学英语 Unit 4

Unit 4 What Makes a Good Teacher?;Text A ;Text A;Text A;Text A;Text A;Text A;Text A;Text A;Text A;Text A;一生中最好的老师 凯基利乌斯·斯塔提乌斯 这个故事说的是多年前一名叫汤普森夫人的小学老师。在开学的第一天,她站在五年级全班学生面前,对孩子们撒了一个谎。像大多数老师一样,她看着同学们,说她会一视同仁地爱他们每一个人。 但这是不可能的,因为前排座位上就坐着个萎靡不振的小男孩,他叫泰迪·斯托达德。 汤普森夫人从去年就开始留意泰迪,发觉他不大和其他孩子一起玩儿,衣衫不整,身上总是很脏,而且,泰迪还不讨人喜欢。 汤普森夫人甚至喜欢上用粗红笔在泰迪的考卷上打上些大大的叉,并在卷子上方写个大大的“F”。汤普森夫人执教的学校要求老师浏览每个孩子的档案,她把泰迪的放在最后才看。 可是,她翻阅泰迪的档案时,不禁大吃一惊。泰迪一年级老师的评语是:“泰迪是一个聪明的孩子,开朗爱笑,作业工整,礼貌待人……与他在一起很开心。”;Text A - Translation;Text A - Translation;Text A - Translation;And, Teddy could be unpleasant. (Para. 1) Paraphrase: And, Teddy was not pleasing to others.;It got to the point where Mrs. Thompson would actually take delight in marking his papers with abroad red pen, making bold Xs and then putting an “F” at the top of his papers. (Para. 4) Paraphrase: Thing has developed to the situation that Mrs. Thompson would unexpectedly like to mark his papers with bold red pen and make big Xs and then mark an “F” at the top of his papers.;It got to the point where... 事情发展到了……的地步;a ready laugh (Para. 5) 开朗爱笑;4. He is a joy to be around. (Para. 5);terminal (Para. 6): adj. (of a disease) predicted to lead to death, especially slowly; incurable (疾病)末期的,晚期的;不治的,致命的;His mothers death has been hard on him. (Para. 7) Paraphrase: His mothers death has been a great hit on him.;take some steps (Para. 7): take some measures or action 采取措施;8.;respond (Para. 12): vi. (of a person) act or behave in reaction to someone or sth. (人)做出反应;bachelors degree (Para. 15): degree that a person gets after one has completed a university degree course 学士学位;MD: Doctor of Medicine 医学博士;reserve (Para. 16): v. ① retain for future use 保留,预留 e.g. · A double room with a balcony overlooking the sea had been reserved for him. ② arrange for (a room, seat, ticket, etc.) to be kept for the use of a particular person and not given to anyone else. 预订 e.g. · Ill reserve a table for five.;13.;slump /sl?


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