新编大学英语第四册 Unit 2.ppt

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新编大学英语第四册 Unit 2

Smart Cars B R _ Warm-up Questions 2 If you could afford a car, would you buy one? Which brand would you like to have? 日本丰田 Toyota 日本三菱 Mitsubishi 日本马自达 Mazda 韩国现代 Hyundai 美国别克 Buick [bju:ɨk] 美国福特 Ford 美国雪佛兰 Chevy [tʃɛvi] 法国雷诺 Renault [rənəu] 法国雪铁龙 Citroen 德国奔驰 Mercedes-Benz [məsɪdiz][benz] 德国宝马 BMW 德国奥迪 Audi 德国大众 Volkswagen[fɔlks,vɑ:gən] 德国保时捷 Porsche [pɔrʃ] 意大利法拉利 Ferrari 意大利兰博基尼 Lamborghini [, læbo:gini:] 国产奇瑞 Chery Words about Cars number plate车号牌 headlight 前灯 sidelight(侧灯) indicator light 转向灯 tire door door handle rear view mirror hood(引擎罩 ) trunk(后备箱) rear light windshield(挡风玻璃) windshield wiper(雨刮器) roof 2017-4-24 Other Words 仪表盘 dashboard 方向盘 steering wheel[wiːl] 安全带 seat belt About the author Excerpted from Visions: ‘How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century’《愿景:21世纪科学将如何改变》 Michio Kaku加来道雄 An internationally recognized authority in theoretical physics and environment A professor of theoretical Physics at the City College and Graduate Center of City University in New York (纽约城市大学) What does “smart” mean? You look smart in the new suit. 你穿这套新衣服很帅气。 He is smart and can take care of himself. 他很精明可以照顾他自己。 smart phone 智能手机 Smart Cars 1. Even the automobile industry, which has remained largely(总体上) unchanged for the last seventy years, is about to feel the effects of the computer revolution. feel the effects of 感受到...的影响 automobile[ɔːtəməbiːl] 汽车 auto(自)+mobile(可移动的) automatic [ɔːtəmætɪk] autonomy[ɔːtɒnəmɪ] autobiography[ɔːtəbaɪɒgrəfɪ] autograph[ɔːtəgrɑːf] 自动的 自治;自治权 自传 亲笔签名 mobile [məʊbaɪl] automobile industry 汽车产业 The automobile industry is one of the most important industries in the world, 1)________ not only 2)_________ but also 3)_______. It provides 4)_______ for millions of people, generates 5)________ of dollars in worldwide revenues, and provides the 6)______ for a multitude of(大量的) related service and support industries. Automobiles revolutionized(变革了) 7)________ in the 20th century, changing forever the way people live,


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