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PAGE  PAGE 6 一种鸡眼手术方法改进的探讨 【摘要】 目的 探讨我们所创鸡眼角质层局部钝性剥脱(拔除)手术 HYPERLINK /Medicine/ 治疗方法的价值。方法 回顾性分析2008年9月至2011年8月间治疗的鸡眼患者23例,其中角质层局部剥脱手术治疗11例,单纯局部切除手术12例。结果 鸡眼角质层局部钝性剥脱手术治疗患者创面愈合时间为1周左右,比鸡眼单纯手术切除切口愈合时间平均早1周左右;前者愈合后无明显疤痕,后者有明显的手术痕迹;两者术后随访3月至3年无复发。结论 鸡眼角质层局部钝性剥脱手术方法比单纯手术局部切除术更简单,不需特殊器械及切开缝合技术。术后创面愈合快、且更为美观。尤其适宜基层医疗单位借鉴及应用。 【关键词】 鸡眼 外科治疗 新方法 [【Abstract]】 Objective to explore the worth of the corn treatment we worked out the blunt exfoliative surgery of local corneum. Methods Analyze the 23 corn patients from Sept., 2008 to Aug., 2011. Among them, 11 patients were treated by the blunt exfoliative surgery of local corneum and other 12 patients were treated by the simple local excision. Results the first 11 patients’ wound healing cost about a week’s time and on the average one week earlier than the other 12 patients; moreover, after healing there is no obvious scar in the patients treated by the blunt exfoliative surgery of local corneum; but there are obvious surgery traces in the other 12 patients. According to 3 months to 3 years’ follow-up visits, they all didn’t relapse after surgery. Conclusion the blunt exfoliative surgery of local corneum is easier than the simple local excision; and the local corneum surgeries don’t need any special equipment, incision and suture technique. Furthermore, after surgery it can be quickly healed and looks nicer. Therefore, this new corn treatment is especially suitable for the basic-level medicine unit to use for reference and apply. 【Key words】 Corn Surgical treatment New treatment 鸡眼是以患处皮肤增生,其根深嵌入皮里,顶起硬结,形似鸡眼。行走挤压时痛甚、为主要表现的皮肤病。一般长于脚、手、胳膊上。是由于长期摩擦和受压引起的圆锥形角质层增厚,有角质中心核,尖端深入皮内,基底露于外面。多见于青年人或小孩,最好发于手、足底及足趾。患者工作或行走时,鸡眼可压迫局部的感觉神经,而引起剧烈的疼痛。当去除局部压迫或摩擦的病因后,少部分鸡眼可逐渐变软,恢复为正常皮肤。仍有部分需要手术治疗。手术适应症为经药物或保守治疗无效者,或屡发感染者。在炎症消退后均应行手术切除。因此我科从2008年9月至2011年8月,共手术治疗鸡眼23例,分别行鸡眼角质层局部钝性剥离手术及鸡眼单纯局部切除,现对其结果进行回顾性分析。 1 临床资料? 1.1 一般资料 本组共23例。男性20例,女性3例,年龄12岁至27岁,平均20岁。其中,病灶位于双手者11例,双足者12例。根据手术方式将将患者分为两组:A组,鸡眼角质层局部钝性剥脱手术治疗11例。B组,鸡眼单纯局部切除手术治疗12例。 1.2手术方法



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