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植物遗传资源学报 2010, 11( 1): 5- 9 Journa l o f P lant G enetic R esources 不同红麻种子耐老化性差异及热稳定蛋白的研究 王凤敏, 粟建光, 龚友才, 戴志刚, 陈基权, 郑海燕, 李 燕 (中国农业科学院麻类研究所, 长沙 410205 ) 摘要: 利用 10份红麻品种为材料, 研 究红 麻种 子在人 工老 化过程 中耐 老化差 异及 其与 热稳定 蛋白 的关系。 结果表 明: ( 1)随着老化处理程 度加深, 10份红麻品种种子的发芽率、发芽 指数及 活力指 数均逐 渐下降, 但品 种之间 有显著 差异; ( 2)热 稳定蛋白含量随着老化处理的 加深呈现上升的趋势, 通过 SDS电 泳显示, 辽 55在 140h老化处 理中出现一条差异 带, 分 子量为 6218kD, 其他 9个品种各个处 理间未出现差异带。 10 份红麻品种在老化 过程中, 辽 55最耐老化, 在辽 55中发现的热 稳定蛋白可能与红麻 品种的耐老化性及种子活力的丧失有关。 关键词: 红麻; 种子; 耐老化; 热稳定 蛋白 Difference ofAging Tolerance and Heat-Stable Proteins in Seeds of D ifference Kenaf Cultivars WANG Feng-m in, SU Jian-guang, GONG You-ca,i DA I Zh-i gang, CH EN J-i quan, ZHENG H a-i yan, LI Yan ( Institute of Bast F iber Crop s, Chinese A cad em y of A gricu tural Sciences, Changsha 410205 ) Abstract: The difference of ag ing to lerance and the hea-t stab le proteins w ere am ong 10 kena f(H ibiscus canna- binus L. ) cu ltivars, though ag ing treatm ent of kena.f The resu lts ind icated tha,t ( 1) Seed gemm ation and v igor index of 10 kenaf varieties reduced w ith the extent tim e in the process o f ag ing, w hile there w ere notab le difference in 10 kenaf var ieties; ( 2) The content of hea-t stable protein gradually increased w ith aging treatm ent deepen ing, SDS- PAGE e letrophoresis show ed that a 6218kD hea-t stab le prote in appeared on ly in liao 55 in 140h ag ing treatm en,t there w ere no differences in others. Liao 55 w as the m ost ant-i ag ing variety during ag ing treatm en t in 10 kenaf varie- ties, these results suggested that the special hea-t stable prote ins m ight be related to ag ing to lerance. K ey w ords: Kena;f Seed; Ag ing to lerance; H ea-t stable protein


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