专八参考译文10套 by LenaWang(4月3日)专八参考译文10套 by LenaWang(4月3日).doc

专八参考译文10套 by LenaWang(4月3日)专八参考译文10套 by LenaWang(4月3日).doc

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专八参考译文10套 by LenaWang(4月3日)专八参考译文10套 by LenaWang(4月3日)

PAGE  PAGE 6 1 PART V TRANSLATION SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 Of course we are not, and could not, be perfect with regard to human rights, because China has a history of several thousand years of feudalism. China also experienced a semi-feudal and semi-colonial rule. It is only 50 years since the founding of the Peoples Republic of China. How could we possibly solve all the past problems within just 50 years? But we are willing to listen to complaints and criticism from all sides, especially from the ordinary Chinese people. We are reading letters from them every day and we are doing our best to satisfy their wishes and meet their needs. We are also willing to listen to the advice and comments of our friends abroad. Thus we have many channels for dialogue. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE 【参考译文】 仪容整洁和个人卫生的讲究已经行之有年了。很难想象一个人们不在乎打理外表和身体清洁的时代。或许这些卫生习惯始于亚当第一次洗澡梳头去赴夏娃的约;也可能始于夏娃第一次搽上青草制的化妆品使自己更美丽。无论是从何时开始的,仪容整洁与个人卫生已经成为每个人生活例行事务中重要的一部份。 你可能以为所有现代社会中的仪容整洁与卫生习惯都是一样的。毕竟,不是每一个人天天都要洗澡的吗?大部份人的确肯定卫生的必要性,它是清洁与健康的基础,也是维持友谊的好办法。仪容整洁的工作涵盖了所有可以使人看起来体面的琐碎小事,像是梳头和化妆。 2 PART V TRANSLATION SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 The answer is obvious: McDonalds is excellent at business systems. The reason so many talented people are poor is because they focus on building a better hamburger and know little or nothing about business systems. The world is filled with talented poor people. All too often, theyre poor or struggle financially or earn less than they are capable of, not because of what they know but because of what they do not know. They focus on perfecting their skills at building a better hamburger rather than the skills of selling and delivering the hamburger. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE 【参考译文】 需求是有极限的,而贪欲却无止境。科学再进步也尚未研制出治疗嫉妒的良药,因此只有当我们的财富让邻居相形见绌的时候,我们才会感到片刻的幸福。所以在伊斯特林看来,未来的前景不容乐观:“当今经济发展的趋势告诉我们,未来经济会不断发展、永不停歇,未来世界会是一个财富不断增长而欲望节节上升的世界;一个为达到富裕不断角逐而导致文化差异尽失的世界;一个建立在信仰科学和智力并相信人类有最大的能力塑造自己命运的世界。具有讽刺意味的是,在最后一点上,历史的经验教训似乎告诉我们事物的发展并非如此:人类别无选择,并不能掌握自己的命运。最后,经济发展的结果不是人性


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