中国上古英雄神话探析 ——以古希腊神话为参照中国上古英雄神话探析 ——以古希腊神话为参照.pdf

中国上古英雄神话探析 ——以古希腊神话为参照中国上古英雄神话探析 ——以古希腊神话为参照.pdf

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中国上古英雄神话探析 ——以古希腊神话为参照中国上古英雄神话探析 ——以古希腊神话为参照

中国上古英雄神话探析 ——以古希腊神话为参照 论文摘要 英雄神话作为中国上古神话里的一个重要分支,在文学方面具有较高的研 究价值。本文将古希腊英雄神话作为参照对象,在探寻中西英雄神话之共性的 同时,从“英雄精神”以及“如何区分英雄与神”两方面讨论中国上古英雄神 话的特殊性以及促使其形成的原因,特 别 是在神与英雄的区分这一方面上,摒 弃了西方传统的对英雄的划分方法,而是认为关注的重点应该在英雄的精神而 非具体到其个体,这样既避免了如何有效区分英雄和神这一难题,又符合中国 神话精神的传承观念。另外,本文亦讨论了后世对中国上古英雄神话的继承与 发展情况,相信这种讨论对于更好的理解上古英雄神话是有帮助的。 关键词:中国上古英雄神话;古希腊英雄神话;英雄;神 1 Analysis of the Chinese ancient myth of the hero Abstract Hero myth, as an important branch of the Chinese ancient mythology, has a high research value. In this article, ancient Greek hero myth is a reference object, this paper focus on finding the commnn features of Chinese and Western Mythology, while from the heroism and how to distinguish between heroes and gods two aspects discussing Chinese ancient hero myth particularities and promoting its reasons for the formation, especially in the distinction between gods and heroes in this regard, this paper abandons the traditional dividing method for heroes from west, but that the conscentration should be in the spirit of heroes rather than specific to their individual, so the problem how to effectively distinguish heroes and gods has be avoided, even it really adapt to the spirit of Chinese mythology heritage concept. In addition, the paper also discussed the future generations of Chinese ancient hero myth inheritance and development of the situation, it can be believed that this discussion will be helpful for a better understanding of the ancient hero myth to a certain extent. Key words: China;ancient myth of the hero;contrastive stud; Heroic spirit 2 目录 引言: ........................................................................................................................... 4 1 英雄神话产生的背景 ..................


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