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In October 2003, the first Chinese citizen saw his homeland from outer space and the mythology and dreams of thousands of years became a reality. 2003年10月,中国人第一次从外太空亲眼看到了自己的国家,那数千年的神话和畅想,变成了真实的注视 Our songs of how the earth is our garden and our pride in surviving our long history suddenly became more vivid and clear. 那些关于地球是个家园的歌颂关于自己在漫长历史里生存下来的骄傲这时刻比别的时候更加清晰具体 中国CHINA Who are the Chinese? 我们是谁 What makes us who we are? 我们在想什么 But even before this momentous chapter in our history, Chinese people have always regarded themselves from multi-faceted angles. 早在创造中国历史的这一刻之前,中国人也从未中断过从其他角度审视自己的国家。 Is tradition a burden or kind of a driving force for development? 传统是一种背负还是一种推动发展的动力 Do we take our cultural heritage too seriously or not seriously enough? 文化的传承是太受到关注,还是太漫不经心 Do you see conflict or fusion, nostalgia or visions of the future? 你看到的是冲突还是融合,是回忆还是未来? Opening the door with confidence开放而有自信 ? ??30年前,一扇世界上最的的窗户打开了……这个国家,旋即迎接了令人眼花缭乱的变化 ?In 1979, China opened the biggest window in the world to the outside and China suddenly dazzled people with the panorama of change. 或许有人认为,在这样巨大的物质和信息刺激下,想保持镇定都非常困难Some may argue under such huge material and mental stimulation, it would be hard to maintain equilibrium. 在我心目中,中国是一个包容性非常强的国家In my mind, China is a country that has very strong inclusiveness. 她是一个很有文化的一个国家She is a country with rich culture. 又有历史的沧桑感,但是又在日新月异的变化着She has a long history, but also changes everyday.. 但是接下来30年间发生的事情,却让全世界都看到一个有着悠久历史底蕴的文化在面临全新变革之时,能够展现出怎样的包容性和应变能力But after 30 years, the world has seen how much China’s profound history and cultural essence has given, lead us to flexibility and unity when facing fast transformation. (龙永图 WTO谈判中国首席代表):加入世贸以后,???个国力的增强使得中国人更加自信,也更加开放After China’s accession to the WTO,Chinese people are getting more and more confident because of the increasing national strength. 人们不得不承认,中国在和全世界接轨的同时,保持着自己鲜明的特色Observers must admit in its meeting with the world, China has preserved its own special character. 30年开放,30年面对新事物而勇敢无畏,自信地



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