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摘 要 在各种智力竞赛场合,抢答器是必不可少的最公正的用具。在我们各种竞赛中我们也经常能看到有抢答的环节,某些举办方采用让选手通过举答题板的方法判断选手的答题权,这在某种程度上会因为主持人的主观误断造成比赛的不公平性,而抢答器的应用就能避免这种弊端。。 本设计是以多路抢答为基本理念。考虑到依需设定限时回答的功能,利用80C51单片机及外围接口实现的抢答系统,同时使数码管能够正确地显示时间。用开关做键盘输出,扬声器发声提示。同时系统能够实现:在抢答中,只有开始后抢答才有效,如果在开始抢答前抢答为无效;抢答限定时间和回答问题的时间可在1-99s设定;可以显示是哪位选手有效抢答和无效抢答,正确按键后有音乐提示;抢答时间和回答问题时间倒记时显示,满时后系统计时自动复位及主控强制复位;按键锁定,在有效状态下,按键无效非法。 关键词:80C51,LED数码管,抢答器,计时 ABSTRACT In all kinds of intelligence competition situations, responder is essential to the most fair appliances. In our various competitions we often can see the answer in the link, some party held by the players through an answer plate method to determine the answer s right, this to a certain extent because the host of unfair competition caused by subjective judgments, and the responder should be able to avoid the disadvantages of using. The design is based on the basic idea of multi answer. Considering according to need to set the function of the limit answer, answer system based on the MCU 80C51 and peripheral interface, while the digital display to the correct time. Use switch to do keyboard output, speaker sound prompt. At the same time, the system can be realized: in the answer, only after the answer is valid, if at the beginning of pre answer answer invalid; answer in time and answer questions the time limit in the 1-99s set; can show whos effective and answer answer invalid, right after the music keys tips; answer in time and answer questions down time time display, full automatic reset after the system timing and control forced reset; key lock in the effective state, the key is invalid illegal. Keywords: 80C51, LED digital tube, buzzer, timing 目 录 绪 论......................................................1 1.1 课题研究的相关背景 .......................................... 1 1.2 选题的目的和意义 ............................................ 1 1.3 课题研究的内容 .............................................. 1 1.4 国内外研究现状 .............................................. 1 1.5 抢答器目前存在的主


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