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第 26 卷 第 3 期 四 川 林 业 科 技 Vo1. 26, No. 3 2005 年 6 月 Journal o f Sichuan Fo restry Science and T echnology June, 2005 城市土壤对园林树木生长的影响 尹幸福1, 杨朗生1 , 任玉英2 ( 1. 四川农业大学都江堰分校, 四川 都江堰 611830; 2. 四川工商职业技术学院, 四川 都江堰 611830) 摘 要: 通过对都江堰市城市土壤相关因子分析, 阐述了城市土壤各因子对园林树 木生长的不 良影响, 提出了通 过 适地 适树、增施有机质、改良土壤理化性质、及时补充 养分和 水分等 措施, 从而达 到减少 城市土壤 对园林 树木生 长 不良影响的目的。 关键词: 都江堰; 园林树木; 城市土壤; 生长 中图分类号: S731 2 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1003- 5508( 2005) 03- 0071- 05 An Analysis of the Influence of Urban Soil on the Growing of Garden Trees YIN Xingfu1 YANG Langsheng1 Ren Yuying2 ( 1. Dujiangyan Capmus of S ichuan Agricultural University, Dujiangyan 611830, China; 2. Sichuan Technology Business College, Dujiangyan 611830, China) Abstract: With the sw ift development of urbanized construction of Dujiangy an City, its population is in creasing day by day and the city size is constantly expanding. Urban environment is being polluted, and has made the natural properties and state of its orig inal soils change greatly, thus form ing a unique ur ban so il. In this article an analysis w as made of the relevant factors of Dujiangyan s urban soil and each factor harmful to the g row ing garden trees was explained. It is proposed to plant the rig ht species of trees for the right land, add more organic matter, improve soil s physical and chemical features, and supply nutrients and w ater in time, therefore attaining the purpose of reducing the harmful effects of urban so


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