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昆 虫 学 报 Acta Entom ologica S in ica, October 2009, 52 ( 10) : 1122 - 1131 ISSN 0454 26296
M axim um en tropy n iche2ba sed m odeling (M axen t)
of poten tia l geograph ica l d istr ibution s of fru it flies
D acus bivitta tus , D. cilia tus and D. vertebra tes
(D iptera : Tephr itidae)
L IBai2Ni1 , WE IWu1 , MA Jun2 , ZHANG Run2J ie1, 3
( 1. State Key Laboratory for B iocontrol Institute of En tomology, Sun Yat2Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China;
2. Plant Quarantine Labo ratory, Guangdong Insp ection and Quarantine Technology Center, Guangzhou 510623, China)
Ab stract: In order to p redict and analyse the po ten tial geograph ical distribu tions of th ree impo rtant quarantine
invasive p ests, Dacus bivittatus, D. cilia tus and D. vertebratus, three ecological niche modeling techniques,
B IOCL IM , DOMA IN and Maximum entrop y n iche2based modeling (M axen t ) were imp lemented by using
d istribution records of the th ree fru it fly species and a set of environmen tal p redictor variab les. Differences in
p red iction p erfo rmance of the three models with th reshold s were observed. An evaluation using independen t
reco rd s of D. bivittatus showed that Maxen t offers the most accurate p red ictions than two o ther models based on
three values of ROC /AUC, Kappa, and TSS. Pred iction ou tcomes made by Maxen t revealed that the th ree fruit fly
sp ecies have b road ly similar poten tial ranges in Central Am erican, South American, Sou theast A sia, and Coastal
areas of Au stralia in general. D. cilia tus has the comparatively widest potential range among the th ree sp ecies,
includ ing Coastal areas ofM e
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