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总第 256 期 计算机与数字工程 V ol. 39 N o. 2 2011 年第 2 期 Co mputer Dig ital Eng ineering 141 基于特征点的图像配准与拼接技术研究* 阮 芹 彭 刚 李 瑞 ( 华中科技大学控制科学与控制工程系 武汉 430074) 摘 要 图像配准与拼接成功的关键在于特征 点提取和匹配。针对传统的 sift 算法提取特 征点计算量大、耗时长的问 题, 文章采用改进后的 surf 算法 先 对两 幅图 像 的重 叠部 分 提取 特征 点, 使 用 bbf ( bestbinfirst ) 查 找初 始匹 配 对后 采用 ransac 算法剔除误匹配并计算两幅图的变换关系, 最后采用无缝拼接技术实现了图像的平滑镶嵌。 关键词 图像配准; surf; bbf; ransac; 无缝拼接 中图分类号 T P391 Study on Image Registration and Mosaic Technologhy Based on Surf Feature Ruan Qin Peng G a ng L i R ui ( Contro l Science and Eng ineering, Huazho ng U niversity o f Science and T echnolog y, W uhan 430074) Abstract T he key po int s o f the success of image reg istration and mosaic are feature ext ractio n and mat ching . As the traditional sift alg orithm used to ex tract feature po ints need larg e co mputatio n and is time- co nsuming, an im proved surf al go rithm w as used to ex tract feature points in the overlap reg ion betw een the reg istered images and bbf a lg orithm w as used to find initial matching pa irs. T hen, t he transfo rming mat rix H w as computed with R AN SA C a lgo rithm aft er w rong pairs were remo ved. In the end, smoo th mosaic was realized w ith seamless technolog hy. Key Words image regist ratio n, surf, bbf, ransac, seamless mosaic Class Number T P391 2) 基于频域功率谱的匹 配[ 3] , 这种方 法计算 1 引言



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