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第 32卷第 10期 煤 炭 学 报 Vo.l 32 N o. 10 2007年 10 月 JOURNAL OF CH INA COAL SOCIETY O ct. 2007 : 0253- 9993( 2007 10- 1112- 05 1, 2 1 3 尹宗成 , 丁日佳 , 赵振保 ( 11 中国矿业大学 (北京 管理学院, 北京 100083; 21 安徽农业大学 经济与贸易学院, 安徽 合肥 230036; 31 中国矿业大学 (北京 资源与安 工程学院, 北京 100083 : , , , . : ; ; ; : F22419 : A Synth etical evaluation of developm ent level of coal2resource cities based on rough set theory 1, 2 1 3 Y IN Zong2cheng , DING R i2j ia , ZHAO Zhen2bao ( 11School ofManagement, China University ofMining and Technology (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China; 21Economicand TradeCollege, Anhui AgriculturalUniversity, efei 230036, China; 31School ofResources and Safety Engineering, China University ofM ining and Technology (Beijing ), Beijing 100083, China) Abstr act: A model of eva luating deve lopm ent level of a citywas estab lished by u sing rough set and in form at ion en2 tropy theories, through themode l them a in factors that determ ine the developm en t leve l of cities were found and its feasib ility was va lidated through an examp le. K ey word s: rough set; the city developm ent leve;l synthetical evaluation; in form at ion entropy 当前, 煤炭资源型城市大多面临着资源递减、环境恶化、就业压力增大等问题的困扰, 这必将导致煤 炭资源型城市的发展滞后于其他类型城市的现象, 影响该类城市所在区域的协调发展和整体水平的进一步 [ 1] 提高 . 为此,



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