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第 26 卷 第 4 期 福建师范大学学报 ( 自然科学版) V ol. 26 N o . 4 2010 年 7 月 Jo urnal of F ujian N ormal U niversity ( Nat ural Science Edition) Jul. 2010 文章编号: 1000-5277( 2010) 04-0115-05 学生数学成绩相关性分析 裘晓岚, 陈兰清 ( 福建师范大学数学与计算机科学学院, 福建 福州 350108)   摘要: 分析了大学数学专业学生 3 年的专业学习情况, 结果表明, 学生高考数学科成绩与其大学入学测 试成绩 相关程度均属于中、低度正相关, 与大学一、二、三年级的数学成绩呈弱相关. 学生大一的数学成绩 或数学基础 课成绩与其后继课 程的学习成绩高度 正相关. 因此中学数学 教学内容要进一步体 现课程标准的 要求, 高 师数学教学要通过与中学数学内容的衔接、注重数学思想方法 的教学、挖掘课程之间内在联系等方 式加强数学基础课的教学. 探讨了能够充分反映学生 中学阶段数学素质的高考评价方案. 关键词: 高考数学成绩; 相关性分析; 学业成绩 中图分类号: G 642. 0   文献标识码: A Analysis of the Correlation of Students’Scores in Mathematics QIU Xiao-lan, CHEN Lan-qing ( School of M athematics and Comp uter S cience, Fujian N ormal Univ ersity , Fuz hou 350108, China) Abstract: The scores o f students in m ath on the entrance exam s for co llege are r elated to tho se on the mathematics level test m ade at the beginning of their co llege study period at low or mean deg ree of po sitiv e correlation, and also have w eak positive co rrelations w ith those on their follow ing co llege math ex ams. The sco res in m ath during their freshmen year at college hav e strong positive corr elations w ith those in the fo llow -up math courses. Hence, mathe- matics teaching in secondary schoo ls need to fur ther embo dy the r equirements of the standar d mathem atics curriculum and develope the mathem atical ability of high school students, and hig her math education can str engthen the teaching o f fundamental m athematics curriculum math courses by linking up seco ndary mathem atics, paying mo re attention to m athematical thinking and revealing the intr


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