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李冰冰给China Daily投稿了 用英文讲了件大事
李冰冰给China Daily投稿了 用英文讲了件大事
Time for tears is past, its time for action是时候制止非法野生动植物贸易了
Producing genuine tears on demand is one of the hardest parts of my job as an actress. Acting teachers will tell you that in order to cry on screen you need to summon up something personal — a fear, an inner secret, a sad experience — that taps into your deepest emotions.作为一名演员,我工作的一大挑战就是哭戏。学表演的时候老师曾说,若想感动观众,首先要感动自己。我要去挖掘内心深处无法释怀的经历和过往,回忆那些让我拳拳在念,切切在心的人或事。酝酿情绪的过程中,那些或悲伤,或恐惧的记忆如同一行一行蚂蚁,在我的脑海中不断穿梭,闪现。
This may sound strange, but the inner secret I use when I need to cry during a movie scene is the image of an elephant. It’s an image that haunts me, an image that will remain in my heart and mind for as long as I live.说来奇怪??每每这一刻,我总会想起那头倒在金合欢树荫下,被砍去面部的大象。她总会触动我内心深处最伤感的情绪,让我不经意间就泪流满面。
Two years ago I visited Samburu National Reserve, a wildlife park in Kenya. There, on a guided walk through the bush, I saw my first dead elephant. Poachers had hunted down this magnificent animal before piercing her tough hide with poisoned spears. As if she already knew her fate, the elephant had walked through the bush, the toxins coursing through her veins, until she found a quiet place to lie down. She chose to die in the cool shade of an acacia tree.两年前,我有幸访问了肯尼亚桑布鲁国家自然保护区。在向导的指引下,我穿过繁密的丛林,平生第一次看到一头死去的大象。她卧倒在金合欢树荫下,已经面目全非。向导说她死前曾遭到偷猎者疯狂的追捕,尽管为自己寻得一片隐匿的丛林,却仍被毒箭所伤。毒素很快流遍她的全身,她最终在金合欢树影下慢慢睡去。
And that’s where her body was when I saw her, lying in the dusty red soil, her face hacked off with machetes so that her killers could wrench the tusks from her skull. Around her dead body were the small footprints of a baby elephant; her child now left to fend for itself without the protection of its mother.她的遗骸深陷在泥泞的红壤中,象牙已被偷猎者生生掰下,尸首零落。她的旁边有小象出没的足迹。我不禁担忧,妈妈不在了,它能照顾好自己么。
That moment, the sight of the dead mother and her mutilated body lying under the shade of the tree, changed something inside me. It made me sick in the pit of my stomach. I remember crying for her as I thought about the cruelty and senseless