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objective To be able to talk about Christopher Reeve with the expressions: on one’s own come to do something pull through commit suicide get on get involved with 1. on one’s own = by oneself 独自地;单独地 Although her father is in the firm she got the job on her own. 尽管她父亲在公司里, 但她那份工作却是靠自己得到的。 of one’s own 属于自己的 我觉得我知道自己工作的价值。 I feel that I know about the value?of my own?work. Pracitice 现在许多年轻教师都有属于自己的房子。 Now many young teachers have houses of their own. 你不必帮他,他能自己穿衣。 You needn’t help him, he can dress on his own. 2. pull through 渡过难关 银行的一笔慷慨贷款使他渡过了难关。 A generous loan from the bank pulled him through the business trouble. 她的家人怀疑她手术后是否能够康复。 Her family wondered if she could pull through after the operation. 他平安地渡过了困难。 He succeeded in pulling through the difficulty. Practice 我们公司的新经理已使我们渡过了种种难关。 The new manager of our company has pulled us through lots of difficulties. 3. get on with sb 与人相处;进展、发展 How are you getting on with your work? 你工作情况怎样? Do you?get on with?your parents? 你和父母合得来吗? Practice 他正慢慢地和同学们友好相处。 He is slowly getting on with his schoolmates. 与get相关的短语 get around get away get in get over get down 四处走走 走开,离开 收割 恢复过来 写下,记下 One of the prisoners _______________ prison yesterday. 昨天一个囚犯从监狱中逃走了。 2. Here is a telephone message I _______ for you. 这是我给你记下来的电话留言。 Fill in the blanks with the following phrases. get away get around get down get over get in got away from got down 3. It took me a long time to ________? my cold. 经过好长时间,我的感冒才好。 4. The students in grade two went to the school farm to ______ the crops last week. 上周二年级的学生去校农场收割庄稼。 get over get in 在这个城市乘公共汽车旅行很方便。 2. 尽管敌人紧追不放,他还是逃脱了。 3. 他说得太快了,我无法把他说的每个词都记下来。 4. 农民们很高兴那年那么早就把庄稼收好了。 5. 那演员要学会克服害怕观众的恐惧心理。 1. Its easy in this city to get round by bus. 2. He got away, although the enemy was close behind him. 3. He speaks so fast that I cannot get down every word. 4. The farmers were deligh



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