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第五学时 Writing ;1.Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette,remind yourself that you are a non-smoker. 每当你想要吸烟时,你就提醒你自己:你(已经)是不吸烟的人了。 句型分析:句中的名词词组every time在此用作连词,引导时间状语从句。类似的可以用作连词的名词词组还有each time,the first/last time,the moment,the minute等。 Do some relaxation exercises every time you feel stressed. 每当你觉得压力大时就做一些放松的运动。;Every time/Each time I called on him,he was busy with work.每次我去找他时,他总是在忙着工作。 The first time I saw him,he was reading a book silently.我第一次看到他时,他在静静地看书。 The moment she said it,she burst into tears. 她一说完,泪水便夺眶而出。 注意:for the first time,at the moment为介词短语,不用作连词。 I came to Beijing for the first time in 1992. 一九九二年我第一次来北京。 1m busy at the moment.我现在很忙。;即学即练: 模仿造句 (1)第一次见到他,她就爱上了他。 (2)每次看到那张照片,她就想起那段美好的日子。 (3)我第一次遇见他是在找工作面试时。 (1)The first time she saw him,she fell in love with him. (2)Every time/Each time she saw the picture,it reminded her of the happy days. (3)I met him for the first time in the job interview.;2.It is only when the disease has progressed to AIDS that a person begins to look sick. 只有当这种病毒发展成艾滋病时,人才会显出病态。 句型分析:这是一个包含“It is/was…that…强调句型”的复合句。强调句中的被强调的部分是一个时间状语从句“only when the disease has progressed to AIDS”。这种强调句型可用来强调除了谓语之外的其他句子成分。当被强调部分是指人时,还可以用who代替that。;It was Peter that/who lent us the money. 是Peter借钱给我们的。 It was because of the heavy rain that he came late. 正因为下大雨,他才迟到的。 It was in front of the bank that the old lady was robbed.那个老妇人是在银行前面被抢的。 It was only when I reread his poems recently that I began to appreciate their beauty. 直到最近重新读他的诗我才开始欣赏其诗之美。;即学即练: 模仿造句: (1)我是在街上碰到你父亲的。 _______________________________ (2)我们是在十??前来到这个城市的。 ________________________________ (1)It was in the street that I met your father. (2)It was 10 years ago that we came to this city. ;用上述句型翻译下列小片段。 第一次听到泰勒史薇芙特唱的“爱情故事”,是在旅行途中的巴士上,它让我想起了自己的年轻岁月,也就是从那时起,我每天都要听这首歌。而且每次听时,都会想起心中的那个他。 _____________________________________________ 答案:The first time I heard the song Love stroy by Taylon Swift,I was on a bus trip,which reminded me of my youth.It was since then that I have l



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