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Unit 1 lifestyles Lesson 2 Relaxing 学案 预习与检测 翻译下列词组 1.患某种疾病 ____(suffer from) 2.从…降低到…____ (reduce from…to…) 3.把重点放在…上____(place stress on) 4.宁愿做某事而不愿做某事____(would rather do sth. than do sth.) 5.在节食_____( be on a diet) 6.做某事的方法____( a way of doing sth.) 7.阻止某人做某事____(present/stop/keep sb. from doing sth.) 8.指望某人做某事_____(depend on sb.to do sth.) 知识探究 一.重点单词 1. stress n.压力;紧张;压迫 I was completely weighed down by the stress of examinations. 我被考试的压力压垮了。 拓展:stress n. 1)着重;重要性 (+on) She lay great stress on proper behavior. 她很强调行为端正。 2)重音;重读 (+on) In the word “doctor” the stress is on the first syllable. 在“doctor”这一单词里,重音在第一个音节上。 stress vt.1)强调,着重 The English teacher stressed the importance of reading aloud in the morning. 英语老师强调了在早晨朗读的重要性。 2)用重音读 Stress the second syllable. 重读第二个音节。 pressure 与stress 的区别 pressure只可作名词,stress既可作名词,又可做动词 stress做名词时,意思偏于精神方面的压力 pressure做名词时,意思偏于物理方面的压力 运用:翻译下列句子 只要我们从不同的角度去看待它,压力并不是件坏事。 答案:Stress isn’t a bad thing if only we keep a different eye on it. 2)他的公司对成本强调有余,对质量重视不足。 答案:His company places too much stress on cost and not enough on quality. 2.reduce v. (1)(使)减少,缩小(尺寸、数量等),(使)降低(价格、程度等) His income has reduced by 10%.   他的收入已经减少了10%。   (2) 使(某人)陷于……(一般用被动) The boy was reduced to tears. 那个男孩哭了。 拓展: reduce from/to/in/by from 表起点,to表终点,in表某个方面,by表程度。相似用法的词有increase, go up, rise, decrease, go down, fall等。 decrease, reduce与lower的区别 reduce是一种主观的减少、降低,主语是使减少的外力,常指数量上,比例的减少。T。 decrease是一种客观的减少、下降,主语是减少的东西。 lower是指降低 高度上的降低,比如水平线,生活水平的降低。 运用:用适当???介词填空 (1)If you by ten pairs, I will reduce the price____15 %. 答案 : by 表示程度。 (2)The number of the workers he has rose _____1000 ____2000.That meant it has increased______100%. 答案 :from; to; by 用reduce, decrease 填空 1)The conductor____(降低火车速度)because of the traffic accident ahead. 2)The number of Milu deer has____(减少到300只)in that area. 3)The time she spent on her study has____(减少)since she became interested in on-line games. 4)The population of my village has_____(减少了500人还有大约300


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