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Module 2[Fantasy Literature (奇幻文学) Introduction Reading;Do you know the characters in the picture? ;Who knows something else that also belongs to fantasy stories? ;Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland ;The Journey to the West ;Philip Pullman;菲利普·普尔曼,英国当代著名作家,毕业于牛津大学。他的《雾中红宝石》、《北方阴影》、《井中之虎》为少女莎莉·洛克赫的冒险三部曲,充满维多利亚时代的惊悚趣味,广受好评。1996发表《黑质三部曲》第一部《黄金罗盘》,次年发表第二部《魔法神刀》,2000年发表第三部《琥珀望远镜》。《黑质三部曲》出版后,畅销不衰, 风靡欧美, 皆认为其深度与文学性足堪名列文学史。该三部曲迄今已被翻译成二十几种文字,全球发行量已近一千万套,并为作者获得了诸多重要的奖项;普尔曼更因为这套书被评论界认为是“继《魔戒the Lord of the Rings 》作者J·R·R·托尔金之后最优秀的盎格鲁·撒克逊奇幻小说家”。 ;《黑暗物质》的故事发生在一个和我们的地球很相似的世界里,讲的是一对名叫莉拉和威尔的少年的旅行和冒险经历,不仅围绕孩子,还涉及清白、原罪以及融合了魔幻、科学等元素。 1. Northern Lights 北方之光 The Golden Compass 黄金罗盘 (USA)赢得英国儿童文学最高奖“卫报小说奖” 2. The Subtle Knife 魔幻神刀 3. The Amber Spyglass 琥珀望远镜赢得惠特布里德文学奖 ;His Dark Materials ;(In USA); In The Golden Compass, young Lyra journeys to the far North to save her best friend and other kidnapped(被诱拐的) children from terrible experiments by evil scientists. ; In The Subtle Knife, Lyra journeys to the shimmering (闪光的), haunted(闹鬼的) other world called Cittágazze, where she meets Will Parry. Together they travel from world to world and discover an object of extraordinary power, and uncover the truth of their own destiny(命运) . ; In The Amber Spyglass, Lyra and Will are in unspeakable(极坏的) danger. With the help from Iorek Byrnison, the armored(安有装甲的) bear and two tiny Gallivespian spies, they must journey to a dank(潮湿的) and gray-lit world where no living soul has ever gone. The Amber Spyglass brings Philip Pullmans His Dark Materials to an astonishing conclusion.;Read the passage in activity 1 again and answer the questions about the words and expressions;The Cat That Vanished ;Learn new words:;I. Read the text quickly and match each part with its main ideas.;Read the text quickly and put them in the correct order;II. True (T) or False (F)? 1. Will can’t think clearly because he was exhausted. 2. The cat that vanished was called Moxie. 3. It was Will who had c


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