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Art;意大利文艺复新时期最 负盛名的艺术大师,科学家。 他生于佛罗伦萨郊区的芬 奇镇,卒于法国。其父为 律师兼公证人,母为农妇, 他15岁来到佛罗伦萨, 学艺于韦罗基奥的作坊, 1472年入画家行会。 70年代中期个人风格已 趋成熟。1482--1499年 间一直工作于米兰,主要 为米兰公爵服务,进行了 广泛的艺术和科学活动, 《岩间圣母》是他在这 段时期创作的最有名的代表作。 ;蒙娜丽萨 Mona Lisa (达.芬奇 Leonardo Da Vinci);最后的晚餐 (达.芬奇 Leonardo Da Vinci);Vincent Van Gogh 文森特.梵高 ( 1853– 1890) 印象派人物代表 ; 静物 (凡高 Vincent Willem Van Gogh) ;开花的栗树  凡高 (Vincent Willem Van Gogh);向日葵(凡高Van Gogh) ;Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) 毕加索 He was born on October 25, 1881 in Malaga, Spain, as the son of an art and drawing teacher. Picasso was the greatest art genius of the twentieth century. ;坐着的女人 (Picasso毕加索);Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337) ;Escape to Egypt ;《犹大之吻》;徐悲鸿,1895--1953, 江苏宜兴屺亭桥人。 中国现代美术事业的奠 基者,杰出的画家和美 术教育家。 ;八骏图  (徐悲鸿);法国工人;马夫和马;Qi Baishi (1864-1957);       虾   (齐白石);张大千;唐寅 《 陶谷赠诗》;Match some new words in column A with the correct English meanings in column B;1. Would you rather have Chinese or Western-style paintings in your home? Give your reasons. 2. Have you ever wished you would paint as well as a professional artist? If you were an artist, what kind pictures would you paint? 3. What would you rather do--- paint pictures, make sculptures, or design buildings? Why?;Pre-reading ; 纽约现代艺术博物馆 New York Art Museum ; 中国美术馆 Chinese Art Gallery;装修后的中国美术馆外观 ;《维纳斯》雕塑原作珍藏在卢浮宫 ;Read the passage as quickly as you can and get a general idea of the passage.;The Middle Ages (5th – 15th century) During the middle ages , the main aim of painter was to represent religious themes.;巴卡斯蒂伯爵像 拉斐尔;花园中的女人 莫奈;Modern art (20th century to today) Nowadays,there are sores of modern art styles. Such as Cubism (立体派),Surrealism(超现实主义)Expressionism(表现主义)…;Paragraph 1. Why has the style of western art changed many times, while Chinese art changed less often? Para.2 What were the artists interested in from 5th to 15th century? They were interested in creating respect and love for God, so they painted many religious scenes. ;Para.3 What did the artists paint in the


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