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Chinese Folk Art —— New Year Graphics (年画) 1.Have you ever wished you could paint as well as a professional artist? You could paint as well as a professional artist 是 引导的 从句,表示无法实现的愿望,是与事实相反的。因此,从句的谓语动词总是使用 语气。 (wish后的宾语从句中常用 代替was) 与现在事实相反: I wish + you did 与过去事实相反: I wish + you had done 与将来事实相反: I wish + you would/could/might do 1)我真希望现在是下午。 I wish that_________________ 2)我要是很有钱就好了。 I wish______________. 3)我真希望我从来没有遇见过他。 I wish that______________________. 4)希望你别再抽烟。 I wish__________________________________. 1)?如果我们有足够的钱,我们就买一台电脑。 __________________________________________. 2) 如果是他负责,他会是另一种做法。 _______________________________________________________________. 2. If you were an artist, what kind of pictures would you paint? 本句的谓语动词使用 语气。(条件从句中常用 代替was) 与现在事实相反: (if 从句)did (主句)would/should/could/might do 虚拟 were If we had enough money, we would buy a computer. If he were in charge, he would do things differently. * Unit 1 Art abstract sculpture gallery adj. 抽象的; 深奥的 n. 摘要 n. 雕塑 n. 美术陈列室; 画廊 Words preview What is Art? Art is an expression of the soul. When something is created, it is not art. It only becomes art when it is appreciated by someone other than the artist. Art is nothing without appreciation. Sounds Reasonable? dance music Brainstorming In pairs list some art styles you know. sculpture architecture literature movie painting calligraphy art painting sculpture architecture …… music dance literature calligraphy movie Art Appreciation Chinese Folk Art —— Wood carving (木雕) Chinese Folk Art —— Paper cutting (剪纸) Western Sculptures beautiful line realistic religious detailed Do you know these Western artists and their paintings? 近代绘画之父 (1267 - 1337) 意大利文艺复兴初期画家、雕塑家、建筑师。佛罗伦萨人,牧童出身。他被誉为伟大的西方绘画之父。他创作了许多具有生活气息的宗教画。乔托把西方绘画从平面的变成立体的、三维的,并使之如雕塑般结实。 Giotto di Bondone 乔托·迪·邦多纳 (1267-1337) 1304-1306年 人物以左下角的基督与圣母为焦点核心,展开了一个表现心灵 与情感的动人场景。 哀悼基督 The Mourning of Christ Giotto’s Painting 哀悼基督 The Mourning of Ch


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