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教材背景链接;The word hero is passed around too much these days.A hero is not a football player that scores the game-winning touchdown1.A hero is usually an ordinary person that does extraordinary things.A true hero is really never a hero at all;at least not in their own mind.;When one reads Senator John McCain’s novel Why Courage Matters,McCain tells the story of Master Sergeant Roy P.Benavidez.Sergeant Benavidez went on a rescue mission to save wounded brothers;he was the only man to go.He ran to his wounded buddies,sustaining gunshot wounds to his leg,face and head.;A helicopter landed to rescue all of the men that were stranded.Benavidez got them all on board.But the pilot got fatally wounded,causing the helicopter to crash.He rescued all of the men from the crash and fought off the Vietnamese Army;for six hours with the help of air strikes,circling gun ships.A second helicopter landed and he boarded his wounded buddies,then he got on and then fell down.Everyone thought he was dead,placing him in a body bag.While the doctor was zipping2 up the bag,Benavidez spat in his face to signal he was alive.;They flew him to Saigon for surgery,treating him for seven severe gunshot wounds,twenty-eight shrapnel3 wounds,and bayonet4 wounds in both arms. When he was awarded the Medal of Honor by President Ronald Reagan,Benavidez said“I don’t like to be called a hero.;The real heroes are the ones who gave their lives for their country.”Such modesty5 from Sergeant Benavidez is really representative of heroes because they never want the credit.;Notes: 1.touchdown  n.触地得分 2.zip v.拉上拉链 3.shrapnel n.弹片 4.bayonet n.刺刀 5.modesty n.谦逊;新课导入 英雄是覆磬下铁链与头颅的铿锵,是对魑魅魍魉的蔑视与不屑。英雄是孤独是忍耐是流血是涅 ,是飓风是海啸是地震是雪崩……英雄的名字,神泣鬼惊;英雄的品质,虽死犹生。五千年的史册,五千年的英雄。秦皇汉武,唐元明清,辛亥烈烈,中华雄风。英雄滋润了万物,万物辉煌了英雄。青松与英雄同在,英雄与伟人共鸣。;本部分内容讲解结束


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