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Looking at the following pictures. What are they doing? Which are healthy activities ?while which are unhealthy activities?;dancing;Playing basketball;Swimming ;Drinking alcohol;Overeating;taking drugs;1. What’s a healthy life?;;公益广告 Tobacco kills more than heroin and cocaine together. 香烟杀人比海洛因和可卡因加起来还多。  (海洛因和可卡因拼起来的香烟形状,让文案里的那句话深入人心) ;在卫生部发布的2006年中国“吸烟与健康”报告中,我们看到这样的数据:2002年我国15岁以上人群吸烟率为35.8%,其中男性和女性吸烟率分别为66.0%和3.1%。由此估计,吸烟者约为3.5亿,占世界烟民的三分之一。此外,我国吸烟人群有年轻化的趋势,与20世纪80年代相比,开始吸烟的平均年龄由22.4岁降为19.7岁。我国既是烟草生产大国,也是烟草消费大国。我国每年销售的香烟高达1.6万亿支,国人消费的香烟约占世界三分之一。如果将与吸烟有关的各种疾病所致的死亡均统计在内,目前每年约有100万人因此死亡。预计,2020年将达到200万人。专家表示,大量的科学研究已经证明了吸烟和多种病,特别是肺癌的发生的因果关系。其中80%以上的肺癌与吸烟(包括被动吸烟)有关。 ;Why do you think some adolescents start smoking? ;Can you tell any harmful effects of smoking?;Smoking may cause fire.;What advice would you give them on how to quit smoking ?;Reading;What can you imagine the letter will deal with ; Please glance through the text as fast as you can and try to find out: ;The First part : A Letter;A. The writer leads to the topic of the letter by talking about James’ problem of smoking. B. Introducing three different ways of becoming addicted. C. Telling the writer’s hope for his grandson and advice on stopping smoking. D. Telling the harmful effects of smoking. E. The writer tells about the life he is leading and the importance of healthy life.;Read para3 and fill in the bank;Read para4 and fill in the bank; ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________; Reading test;2). From Para.3, we can learn that______. A. a person can be addicted to nicotine because nicotine is one of the hundreds of chemicals in cigarettes. B. a person will be addicted to smoking if he treats it as a habit. C. a person will feel sick if his body gets used to having nicotine. D. a person will really feel relaxed when having a cigarette.;3). Which is NOT the effect of smoking? A. Causing terrible damage to heart and


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