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Unit 3 A Healthy Life Language Points;stress n. 压力; 忧虑;紧张 (be) under stress ①Things can easily go wrong when people are under stress. lay/put stress on… 强调;重视 ②They lay too much stress on money and position. stress v.强调 ③He stressed the importance of a good education. ;Do you think smoking should be banned? 你认为吸烟应该被禁止吗?;due to sb./sth. 由于…… 作表语 1. 事故的原因在于他开车不小心。 The accident was due to his careless driving. 2. 该队的成功在很在程度上是由于他的努力。 The success of the team was largely due to his efforts. 作状语 3. 由于高速公路上拥挤的交通,他迟到了。 His was late due to the heavy traffic on the highway. 4. 由于坏天气,航班取消了。 The flight has been cancelled due to bad weather.;tough adj. (1) 困难的,难办的,棘手的 记者们问了许多难以回答的问题。 The reporters asked a lot of tough questions. (2) 坚定地,强硬的 get tough with 以强硬的方式惩罚(对付) It’s time to get tough with drunk drivers. 该对醉酒司机采取强硬手段了。 (3)顽强的,吃苦耐劳的 He is not tough enough for the job as an oil worker. ;You see,during adolescence I also smoked and became addicted to cigarettes. addicted adj.(不用于名词前)上瘾的;对…沉迷的 be/become addicted to (doing) sth. 对……有瘾; 沉溺于… He became addicted to drugs. 他上了毒瘾。 Their son is addicted to playing computer games. ________________________________, he fell behind others in study. (4) The parents felt helpless when they found their daughter ___________________. (沉迷于言情小说) ;accustom v. 使…习惯于; accustomed adj. 习惯了的;惯常的 2) be accustomed to (doing) sth 假期过后,我不习惯于这么早起床了。 I’m not accustomed to getting up so early after the vacation 3) get/ grow/ become accustomed to (doing) sth My eyes soon _____________________________. 我的眼睛很快适应了黑暗。 ;He took his accustomed seat by the fire. 他在炉火边经常坐的座位上坐了下来。;…so it was very difficult to quit. quit 动词, 过去式和过去分词均为quit或quitted, 现在分词为quitting ①接动词-ing形式, “停止做” quit smoking = give up smoking I wish you’d quit complaining. ② 辞职, 离开 vt. vi. His father quit (his job) because of ill health. He has to quit (school ) because he can’t afford the education. quit one’s job/ quit office/ quit school;…, so it was v


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