Unit3 AhealthylifePeriod1 WarmingUp,PreshyreadingReading课件(人教版选修6).ppt

Unit3 AhealthylifePeriod1 WarmingUp,PreshyreadingReading课件(人教版选修6).ppt

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Unit 3 A healthy life ;Spend more time playing sports and less time watching sports.Every weekend there are dozens of football and basketball games on television.It‘s OK to watch one or two, but dont forget to go outside and play,like throwing a football around or shooting some baskets.Thats the way to stay healthy and become a better athlete. ;Learn the history of the games you enjoy.For instance,if you love lacrosse(长曲棍球),visit the Lacrosse Museum and National Hall of Fame.You can learn the sports development. Read a book about a great old-time player such as Henry Aaron or Walter Payton.②Not all of the great athletes are playing now.The stories of the games and players that your parents and grandparents watched are super-exciting. Dont complain about referees.Its easy to blame them if your team loses,but that wont help you get better.This year,learn to accept the officials calls,good and bad,as part of the game.And remember to thank them at last.Its not an easy job.;Try a new sport.Playing soccer, basketball or anything else year- round is one way to get hurt or become bored with a sport.Try to play different sports.③Learning to play a new sport is fun and usually builds your skills in other areas.Tennis is great for hand-eye coordination(协调).Skateboarding helps your balance.Golf makes you concentrate under pressure.;Dont take sports so seriously.Yes,its a great way to stay healthy,meet new people and have fun.But some kids go overboard (过分热衷),playing on several teams and going to tournaments every weekend.Make sure you take time for reading or learning to play a musical instrument or just hanging out with friends and family.That way,you will have a great 2012.;Ⅰ.阅读短文,判断正误True (T) or False (F) 1.According to the passage having a sound body is necessary for a sound mind. (  ) 2.The underlined word“referees”means“colleagues” in this sentence. (  ) 3.Skateboa


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