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Lesson 1 Tomorrow’s World Language Points;1.The movies that make up Star Wars are about wars in space. make up 构成,组成;2. Which of the predictions in them have already come true?;3. harm v. n. 伤害;4. affect v.影响 (侧重负面影响);4. Find out;Line 1 1. in the last thirty years =in the past thirty years in the past ;It is surprising that there were 300 gold coins buried underground. =which were buried underground. 真是令人惊奇,地下埋了300 枚金币。 There were many people watching the big fire in the street yesterday. =who watched the big fire in the street yesterday. 昨天有很多人在街上看着那大火。 People 和watching 是主动关系watching 是现在分词做定语表主动来修饰people 相当于定语从句。;Line 10 be pessimistic about ;Line 19 crash n. v. 碰撞,撞击;Line 24 7. find out holiday offers;Line 30. It is clear that we are going to see a huge growth in shopping on the Internet. 很显然,我们将会看到网上购物的大增长。 It作形式主语,真实主语是 that引出的主语从句。 = That we are going to see a huge growth in shopping on the Internet is clear. 类似的用法有It is +necessary/ important/ possible/ clear/ obvious/ natural + that …等。 e.g. 很奇怪没有人知道他去哪了。 It’s strange that nobody knows where he has gone.;Line 45. the use of computers with sounds and pictures that make you feel as if you are in a real situation. (虚拟世界)是计算机通过声音和图像模拟现实,以使人感到仿佛置身于一个真实的空间。 as if =as though 连词, “仿佛, 好像”, 引导方式状语从句,或用在look, seem, sound, taste, smell, feel等系动词后作表语从句。 (1)若从句中所表示的是事实或可能性很大,用陈述语气。 (2)若所表示的不是事实,而是假设或主观想象,通常用虚拟语气。 It seems as if she is going to cry. It seems as if she were ten years younger.; 语气和时态、语态一样,是动词的一种形式,表明说话者的目的和意图。英语中有四种语气: 1. 陈述语气: The weather is fine. 2. 疑问语气:Do you have a camera? 3. 祈使语气:Come in and have a seat. 4. 虚拟语气:If I were you, I would forgive Mary.


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