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Unit 4 lesson 4 Virtual Tourism;1. It has a population of just under a million people and is located on North Island.;1) locate vt 使…坐落于 The company locates its headquarter in Shanghai. 2) be located in… The headquarter is located in Shanghai.;with表示伴随状态 with sth. done (sth.与其后的动词为被动关系) He stood there, with his right hand _____ ( raise). with sb. doing (sb.与其后的动词为主动关系。) She fell asleep soon with her three children _________(play) in the livingroom.;With sth + 介词短语 He sat on the sofa quietly with her hand on his knees. He walked into the classroom with a book under his arm. Without sth doing Without sth done Without sth +介词短语 Without用于表示一个条件,引出虚拟(即这种情况是假设的) Without telephones, life would be quieter. Without water, we couldn’t live on the earth. Without a good wife, I couldn’t live this lifestyle.;3. The history of the city goes back 650 years when the Maoris settled in the area.;settle vi 定居 定居在某地 settle in 这家人最终在南美定居下来。 The family finally settled in South America. 定居 settle down 你什么时候打算定居下来? When are you going to settle down? Settle down 安静下来 The children were noisy but they’ve settled down now.;4. Famous sights include Mt. Eden, one of many large volcanic hills, as well as the Auckland Harbor Bridge.;as well as连接两个主语时,重点在前面,谓语动词的形式应根据前一个主语确定; not only… but also连接两个主语时,重点在后面,谓语动词的形式由后一个主语确定。 e.g.不但你而且我也急着知道真相。 Not only you but also I am anxious to know the truth. I as well as you am anxious to know the truth. ;as well 多用于句末 too 多用于句末;也可在中间但要前后加逗号 also 助动词之后,行为动词之前;也可句首。;5. It has a warm climate with plenty of sunshine—the average temperature in January …;2) average adj. 一般的,平均的 average temperature/ cost 平均温度/消费 n. 平均水平,平均数 The average of 6,12,and 30 is 16. 6, 12, 30的平均数是16. above /below the average 在一般水平以上/下 His record is above the average in the class 他的成绩在班里中等以上。 on average 平均计算,一般来说 On average, I spend 100 on books each month.;6. There are regular international flights, too.


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