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Unit 4 话题作文;假如你是李华,你的外国笔友Tom计划要 来北京观光。请你根据下列表格中的信息, 在信中向他介绍一下北京。;中国北方,首都,政治文化中心 Beijing , the capital of China is located in the north and it ‘s the important center for politics and culture. 北京人口超过1700万 Beijing has a population of 17 million. Beijing is a large city with a population of 17 million.;名胜:故宫,颐和园,天坛 名胜: famous sights places of interest historical sites 故宫: the Forbidden City 颐和园: the Summer Palace 天坛: the Temple of Heaven;北京有许多名胜古迹,例如故宫,颐和园,天坛,你一定会被深深地吸引。 Beijing has many places of interests such as the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven, which will leave you a deep impression. which you will be deeply attracted. You will enjoy an amazing view from these historical sites. ;作为城市可追溯到3000年前,历史悠 久,曾是四个朝代(dynasty)的首都 The history of the city goes back to 3000 years and it was the capital of 4 dynasties. ;夏季平均气温27度,冬季平均气温7度,日照充足 Beijing has a nice climate with plenty of sunshine, the average temperature in summer is 27, in winter is 7.;游客可方便的乘坐公交,出租,地铁到达任何想去的地方 1 It’s easy/convenient for the tourists to go wherever they want to by bus, by taxi, or by subway. 2 You can choose any transportation you like to go wherever you want to, such as by bus, by taxi or by subway. 3 Taking buses, taxis, or subways makes it easy/convenient to go where you want to.;Sample : 范文; Dear Tom, Learning that you are coming to Beijing for a visit, I’m very glad to offer you some information about my hometown. Beijing , the capital of China is located in the north and it ‘s the important center for politics and culture. It has a population of 17 million. There are many places of interests in Beijing such as the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven, which will leave you a deep impression;Beijing has a nice climate with plenty of sunshine, the average temperature in summer is 27, in winter is 7. What ‘s more taking buses, taxis



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