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人教课标版 高二选修6 Unit 4;Language points;1. What do you think green house gases do? 你认为温室气体有什么作用呢? ▲本句中think后接了一个由what引导的宾语从句。;但应注意的是:特殊宾语从句即当一般疑问句主句的谓语动词是think, believe,suppose,consider, imagine,guess和suggest等时,表疑问的词要放在主句前即句首。;例如: [正] Who do you think will win in the game? [误] Do you think who will win in the game?; 当然一般情况下宾语从句的疑问词应放在主句之后,例如: [误] Why do you know we can’t cut down the big tree? [正] Do you know why we can’t cut down the big tree?;2. So how has this come about and does it matter?;It’s already 10 o’clock. I wonder how it ____ that she was two hours late on such a short trip. (湖北2006) A. came over B. came out C. came about D. came up [点拨] 根据句意“已经十点钟了。我不知道是怎么回事,这么短的路程她迟到了两个小时。”选C。come over来访;come out出来,出版;come up出现,到来。;3. There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon. There is no doubt that…. There is some doubt whether…. 辨析:主句为肯定句时,doubt后使用连词whether。主句为否定句时,doubt后则使用连词that。 ;e.g.: There’s no doubt that one day a cure will be found. There is little doubt that he was the killer.;[考点1] There is no doubt that ...是固定句型,意为“毫无疑问……”,that引导的是同位语从句,用来进一步补充说明doubt的具体内容。 [考例] Some researchers believe that there is no doubt ______ a cure for AIDS will be found. (广东2005) A. which B. that C. what D. whether [点拨] 根据固定搭配there is no doubt that ...可知选B。;[考点2] it is ... that ...在此句中构成强调句型,强调的是主语human activity。强调句型除谓语不能强调外,可强调主语、宾语或状语。 [考例1] It is not who is right but what is right ______ is of importance. (重庆2007) A. which B. it C. that D. this [点拨] 根据强调句型的判断方法:将it is和that去掉后,此句成为Not who is right but what is right is of importance,是一个完???的句子,故此题是一个强调句型。;[考例2] I don’t mind her criticizing me, but ______ is how she does it that I object to. (江西2007) A. it B. that C. this D. which [点拨] 去掉it is和that后,本句相当于..., but I object to how she does it,是个完整的句子。故此句是it强调句型,被强调部分是宾语从句。;4. amount



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