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高二选修6 Unit 4;Using language ; Skim the letters and find who the writers are and what their purpose of writing the letters is. ;The first letter is written by a student who is asking for suggestions for his project — global warming. The second letter is written by an editor of Earth Care magazine. He offers the student some suggestions on what to do about global warming. ;Earth Care’s suggestions; ;; ;Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks.;◆ Buy things made from 5 __________ __________. ◆ Buy products that are made to save 6________. ◆ 7__________ in your garden or your school yard. ◆ Talk with your family and friends about 8_______________.;I. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式。 1. You’ll need three large c____ of paint. 3. I got out of the car but left the m______ running. 4. They decided to set up a(n) ______ (核的) power station. 5. I’ll heat it up in the _________ (微波炉).;II. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. There was _____________ (disagree) among doctors about the best way to treat the disease. 2. _________ (pollute) from cars is the main cause of global warming.;III. 根据括号内的提示将下列句子补充完 整。 If she could ______________________ ________ (忍受那里的条件), we would take her with us. 2. I don’t mind your knowing it ________________________ (只要事情不进一步发展). 3. If you want to save energy, you’d better not use the air conditioner, the heater _________ (等等) when it is not necessary.;4. I realized that she was right — and it _________________ (有影响).



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