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Unit 4 Global warming;如何设计英文海报 海报是极为常见的一种招贴形式,属于户外广告,常见于公共场所,具有画面大、内容广泛、艺术表现力丰富等特点,一般用于宣传活动。 ;【写作要求】 1. 海报的主题鲜明,内容简单明了,使人一看就懂,同时要具有感染力,能够唤起公众的关注。 2. 海报的语言要求简明扼要,可以用些鼓动性的词语, 但不可夸大事实。 3. 海报的形式要求新颖美观,能 吸引眼球。;【写作指导】 海报的基本结构: 标题:可以直接用号召性的语句,也 可以添加副标题,对海报的内 容加以说明。 2. 正文:多用祈使句,句子短小精炼、 通俗易懂。 3. 结尾:可以用标语或口号鼓 动人心。;【实战演练】 请你根据下面的图片和提示,自己设计一张英文海报。; 要点提示: 1. 使用环保购物袋; 2. 多步行,骑单车; 3. 双面使用纸张; 4. 拒绝使用一次性用品; 5. 随手关灯,节约用电; 6. 回收废电池; 7. 少用罐装食品、饮品。;【参考范文】 Save our earth Green earth needs your efforts Use reusable shopping bags. Walk or ride a bike. Use paper on both sides. Never use one-use only items.; Turn off lights when leaving. Recycle used batteries. Use canned food or drinks less often. Your efforts can make a difference!;通过学习这篇写作指导,你掌握英文海报的写作方法了吗?试着根据要求自己设计一张海报,然后与范文对照,找出其中的不足并加以改进。;;;;请你选择其中一张海报,设计一份英文海报。;Writing Task Writing tips: Step 1: Write out the thesis statement. (point of view) Step 2: Write out the topic sentence of the first body paragraph. Step 3: Give the supporting points and details about the first subtopic.;Step 4: Write out the topic sentence of the second body paragraph. Step 5: Give the supporting points and details about the second subtopic. (more body paragraphs ...);● Now choose a topic from the below list that you feel strongly about. Make notes on your topic using headings similar to those in the table above. Use Toms essay as a model to write your own.;A sample list of environment topics: air pollution, noise, soil erosion, water pollution, litter classification, desertification, make green by planting trees; A sample version: The Environmental Effects of Fossil Fuels There is no doubt that fossil fuels bring a lot of good to us. But do you know that many of the environmental problems our country faces today result from our fossil fuel dependence.; The environ


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