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第三学时 Using Language Reading, listening and speaking;Task 1;Task 2;2.Why does Ouyang Guang write the letter? ( ) A.To get some information about global warming. B.To get some answers to what to do to prevent global warming. C.He is not sure where to start with his project. D.He doesnt tell us. 3.How many suggestions does Earth Care give? ( ) A.4.        B.5. C.6. D.8.;4.Which is wrong according to the suggestions? ( ) A.Leave an electrical appliance on if its necessary. B.Put on more clothes,dont turn on the heat. C.Walk or ride a bike if you can instead of taking motor vehicles. D.Buy things made from recycled materials. 5.Which suggestions support the idea:together,individuals can make a difference? ( ) A.All of them. B.The first. C.The last. D.None of them.;Part A Role Play;Q2:他有什么困难?他然后干了什么? Q2:What is his problem?What does he do then? A2:He feels individuals cannot have any effect on such huge environmental problems and he is not sure where to start with his project.Then he writes to Earth Care to get some suggestions. Q3:“关爱地球”组织认为个人起不了作用吗? Q3:Does Earth Care agree that individuals have no power to do anything about global warming? A3:No.Earth Care thinks“Together,individuals can make a difference”.;Q4:是什么导致全球变暖? Q4:What causes global warming according to Earth Care? A4:The greenhouse gas,carbon dioxide. Q5:提了什么建议? Q5:So what are the suggestions about? A5:Most of its suggestions are about reducing the carbon dioxide content in the air and saving energy as much as we can.;Part B Retelling;1.However, I still think people should advocate improvements in the way we use energy today.(P30) 然而,我仍然认为我们应该提倡改进使用能源的方式。 词语链接: advocate v.拥护,支持,提倡 n.拥护者,支持者 advocate doing sth.提倡做某事 advocate that…提倡……;即学即练: 完成下列句子。 (1)The report ______________.(提倡拓宽所有的道路) (2)Professor White ______________(提倡表扬) your child for good behavior. (3)He was ________(坚定的支持者) for President Black. (1)advocat


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