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Unit 4 Global warming                       第二学时 Learning about Language;1.It is a rapid increase compared to most natural changes.(p.26) 跟多数自然变化相比较而言,这却是一种快速的增长。;?词语链接;?即学即练;(5)Black _________________________________________________________________(把伦敦的公园比作人体的肺部). (6)If you ____________________________________(把这本字典和那本比较一下), youll find many differences.;2.So how has this come about and does it matter? (p.26) 这种温度的增长是怎么产生的呢?会产生什么影响呢?;?词语链接;……是怎么回事/怎么发生的? How did it come about that...? ……是怎么回事/怎么发生的?;?即学即练;(5)The question of drug-taking ____________________(一定会被提出来) at the next conference. (6)____________(跟我来), Ill show you to your room. (7)Its already 10 oclock.I wonder how it __________(发生) that she was two hours late on such a short trip.; (8)你怎么不到英国来度假呢? _____________________________________ (9) 他是怎么知道我们在什么地方的呢? ________________________________________________________________________________;3.All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase in the earths temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil to produce energy.(p.26) 所有科学家都同意燃烧煤、天然气、石油等化石燃料导致了地球气温升高。;?词语链接;?即学即练;4.The problem begins when we add huge quantities of extra carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.(p.26) 而当我们使大气层中增加了大量额外的二氧化碳时,问题就来了。 quantity 数量和质量相对时作不可数名词;指具体数量时作可数名词。 注意:短语a (large) quantity of或(large) quantities of 后既可跟可数名词的复数也可跟不可数名词。“a quantity of +名词”构成主语时,;谓语动词的数通常根据quantity的数来确定。 “large quantities of + 名词” 作主语,谓语只能用复数形式。词组in quantity表示 “大量地”。;?即学即练A;5.They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuelsthat has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide.(p.26) 他们还认为,正是由于燃烧的化石燃料越来越多而导致了二氧化碳的增加。;?词语链接;?即学即练B;6.In fact, Hambley states,“More carbon dioxide is actually a positive thing.It will make plants grow quicker; crops will produce more; it will encourage a greater range of animals-all of which will make life for human beings better.”(p.27) 汉布莱实际上是这样说的:“二氧化碳含量的增加实际上是件好事。它使植物生长更快,庄稼产量更高,还会促进动物的生长——所有这些都能改善人类的生活。”;?词语链接;?即学即练;


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