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;Ⅰ.重点单词 一、将下列单词与所对应的英文解释连线 1.consume    A.an event that causes a lot of damage or makes a lot of people suffer:disaster 2.random B.a result of effect of something 3.subscribe C.to use a supply of something such as time,energy or fuel. 4.catastrophe D.chosen or happening without any particular method,pattern or purpose; 5.consequence E.to pay money so that you will regularly receive copies or a newspaper or magazine 答案:1.C 2.D 3.E 4.A 5.B;二、根据所给词性和汉语意义写出英语单词 1. n.现象→ pl.现象 2. vt.反对;反抗;与某人较量→ adj.反对的 3. vt.陈述;说明→ n.陈述 4. adj.平稳的;持续的;稳固的→ adv.稳固地 5. n.倾向;趋势→ vi.趋向;易于 6. n.生存;存在→ v.存在 7. n.污染;弄??→ vt.污染 8. adj.电的;与电有关的→ n.电;电力;电流;Ⅱ.重点短语 根据汉语意义写出英语词组 1. 发生;造成 2. 同意;赞成;订购 3. 大量的 4. 上升;增长;升起 5. 导致 6. 反对…… 7. 即使; 8. 继续 9. 匆匆一瞥 10. 建立,树立,积累 11. 总体上,大体上 12. 平均 13. 代表 14. 忍受; depend on(P25) (1)取决于……;视……而定 ①Whether we can go out for a walk depends on weather. 我们能否出去散步,取决于天气。 (2)信任,信赖;依赖,依靠 ②You can depend on Lucy—she always keeps her promise. 你可以信任露西——她总能遵守诺言。;That depends./It (all)depends.(答语中)视情况而定。 depend on sb.to do sth.依靠某人做某事 depend on /upon+wh-从句 取决于…… depend on it that-从句 指望…… depend on it 请放心;没问题(用于口语,常用于句首或句末); [即境活用] 1.完成句子 ①—Is Tom coming? — .(那要看情况)He may not have the time. ②Their future (取决于)how well they do in these exams. 答案:①That depends ②depends on; think of 考虑;思考;记得;关心;想起(P25) ①What do you think of 2014 New Year’s Party? 你认为2014年新年联欢晚会怎么样? ②Who can think of what we learned yesterday? 谁能想起我们昨天所学的内容? ;think much of 重视;看重 think better of sb.对某人印象好;看重某人 think highly of 看重;器重 think little of 看轻;看不起 think poorly of 不放在眼里;轻视 think better of sth.改变……的念头;打消主意 think nothing of 轻视;认为无所谓;认为没什么了不起 think well of 评价高,重视;[即境活用] 2.完成句子 ①我们正在考虑到法国度假。 We are to France to spend our holiday. ②他们并不看重这个计划使他失望。 That they this plan made him disappointed. 答案:①thinking of going ②thought nothing/little/poorly of;


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