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Unit 4 Global Warming;Energy sources? International relations? ;Energy resources;windmills;We use energy for lights, heating, and all kinds of electric equipment.;Light the city;a coal power station;wind power;oil;solar-energy;non-renewable;Greenhouse Gases?;What are these made of ? ;The glass traps the heat from the sun, making the air warm so that plants can grow better.;Carbon dioxide Methane Water vapor;Greenhouse Gases!;Greenhouse gases perform the same function as the glass in a greenhouse.;Reading ;Maybe…;Maybe…;Read the two graphs :;It shows that the temperature increased one degree Fahrenheit from 1860 to 2000.;This graph shows the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere increased steadily from 1957 to 1997.;Scan and answer;;;;Main ideas of each part;Main ideas of each part;Main ideas of each part;1.The temperature last century didn’t increase much. 2.Everyone believes that global warming is caused by the activities of humans. 3.Janice Foster believes that global warming is caused by burning fossil fuels.;4.The rise in carbon dioxide is causing a steady increase in global warming. 5.Carbon dioxide is a byproduct of burning fossil fuels.;1.The author probably agrees that __. A. Actually global warming is good for man. B. We should do nothing about the global warming. C. Catastrophes will happen if the globe keeps on warming. D. A lot remains to be found out about the effects of global warming.;2. But there are some very different attitudes among scientists towards this issue. Issue here means the same as the one in________. A. I bought the new stamp the day of its issue. B. They are talking about one of the key issues in the election campaign. C. The government is expected to issue a statement about the election. D. The magazine has 12 issues each year.;Discussion: What are the effects of global warming? ;Good points:;What attitudes among scientists towards global warming?;The different ideas between Dr. Janice Foster George Hambley;;;Important poi



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