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Unit 4;Consumer We depend on energy to many things in our daily lives. We consume energy every day. ____________(消费者)are encouraged to complain about faulty goods. examples: Energy lights our cities, heat our room, transportation, equipment, ... ;solar energy;2. new-newable-renewable-non-renewable renewable sources non- renewable sources 必备句子1 An energy source is renewable when supplies of it never run out and non-renewable when one day they will run out. run out, run out of, use up ;greenhouse;Global Warming;;1.come about 产生;发生;造成 ;(2)花刚开始长出地面。;Subscribe to;3.As the sky grew darker,the stars __________ one by one,shining in the distance. A.came out B.came about C.came on D.came in 解析:选A。句意:夜色渐浓,星星一个接一个地出来了,在远处闪烁着。come out(指太阳、月亮或星星)露出,出现,符合句意。come about发生,造成;come on快点,赶快;come in进来。;;Quantities of;运用 完成句子;Go up;运用 完成句子;运用 完成句子;consequence;运用 完成句子;Even if;3.keep on doing sth.继续做某事(强调动作的反复性) keep off 远离;不接近;widespread;运用 完成句子;;On the whole;5.average adj.平均的;普通的;一般标准的;平常;; on behalf of;Put up with;4 . so/as long as 只要;(=on the condition that);And so on;circumstance;;;用本单元所学短语及用法完成下列句子 1.我很难忍受他的粗鲁。;3.这大体上是一个非常好的会议。;运用所学语言基础知识,补充完整下面短文,并背诵之;(7)______________ (生存) of creatures and the balance of the environment.(8)____________________ (条件允许的话), all;;things that use energy in our life;things that use energy in our life;Do you know how energy is produced? How many sources of energy can you list?;;wind energy ;solar energy ;hydroelectric power ;geothermal energy ;tidal energy ;biomass energy ;nuclear power plant ;an oil refinery(精炼厂) ;coal power station ;natural gas ;uranium Ore (铀矿石) ;What is the building made of and what is it used for? ;Have you ever seen a greenhouse?;How does it work?;What are the “greenhouse gases”? What do you think greenhouse gases do?;What’s greenhouse effect?;greenhouse effect;



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