Unit4 GlobalwarmingPeriod1课件人教版版选修六.ppt

Unit4 GlobalwarmingPeriod1课件人教版版选修六.ppt

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Unit4 GlobalwarmingPeriod1课件人教版版选修六.ppt

Period 1 Warming Up, Pre-reading Reading;Ⅰ.单词识记 1.__________v. to pay money, usually once a year, to have copies of a newspaper or magazine sent to you, or to have some other service 2.________v.to use sth up,especially fuel,energy or time;to eat or drink sth 3.________n.a general tendency in the way a situation is changing or developing; 4.________n.a substance such as coal, gas, or oil that can be burned to produce heat or energy 5.________v.to look quickly at sth/sb 6.________n. a number of people or things that are all different, but are all of the same general type 7.________adj.happening or chosen without any definite plan,aim or pattern; 8.__________n.a terrible event in which there is a lot of destruction or many people are injured or die 9.________adj. continuing or developing gradually or without stopping, and not likely to change 10.________v.to disagree with something ;Ⅱ.短语天地 1.同意______________ 2.发生______________ 3.大量的______________ 4.导致______________ 5.反对______________ 6.即使______________ 7.上升______________ 8.在……范围内______________ 9.迅速浏览……______________ 10.继续______________;Ⅲ.句型有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站 1.__________________ that the earth is becoming warmer … 毫无疑问地球正在变暖…… 【答案】There is no doubt that 2.“We can’t predict the climate __________ what to expect … ” “我们预报气候不够准确以至于不能知道要发生的事……” 【答案】well enough to know; Ⅳ.课文缩写 There is no doubt that it is human activities 1.________ have caused this global warming rather than 2.________ natural phenomenon. All scientists subscribe 3.________ the view that the increase in the earth’s temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels. The “greenhouse effect” begins 4.________ we add huge quantities of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere 5.________ (cause)the global temperature to go up.;The burning of more and more fossil fuels has resulted 6.________ the increase in carbon dioxide. 7.________, the attitudes of scientists are different. Some think that the trend would be a catastrophe. But some are opposed to this view 8.________ the


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