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Language points ;Unit4 Language points;It is a rapid increase compared to most natural changes. ;2.vt. 喻为;比拟。 compare…to… 表示“把……比做……(异类相比,比喻)” 如: Man’s life is often compared do a candle. 人生常被比为蜡烛。 Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.;2.How has this come about and does it matter?;3. There is no doubt that….;二、作及物动词常用于下列句型中,作怀疑;不能肯定;不大相信解,一般不用进行时态。 ①用于否定句或疑问句,后接that引导的宾语从句。如: I dont doubt ______he is telling the truth. 我毫不怀疑他在讲真话。 Do you doubt ______he will win the match? 你怀疑他会赢这场比赛吗? ②用于肯定句,一般接whether 或if引导的宾语从句.如: I doubt __________we will make a profit out of it. 我认为我们不可能从此事中获利。 We doubt __________she will be persuaded. 我们不知道她会不会被说服。 ;4. He found that the amount of carbon dioxide keep on increasing during that time.;5. result in;result from 起于, 由于, 由…引起, 主语: from 的宾语: His sickness resulted ______eating too much. ;6. concern;② 涉及;与……有关或相关 Attend to what concerns you. 注意与你有关的事物。 注意:其过去分词concerned常用来作表语,意为“和……有关;牵涉”;而作定语,则意为“有关的”。 It is reported that the pop singer is concerned with selling drug. 据报道,那个流行歌手涉嫌贩毒。 He asked all concerned to take an active part in helping the girl. 他要求所有相关的人积极帮助那个女孩。 ;二、concern作名词 1. 有关……的事(可数) Thats my concern, so Ill do as I like about it. 那是我的事,因此,我想怎么做就怎么做。 2. 关怀;关心(不可数) Some people dont show much concern for our environment. 有些人不太关心我们的环境。 3.担心;担忧 She showed great concern about you. 她很为你担心。 ;7. range;v.排列, 使成行;偏袒,站在……的方面。 主要搭配为:+名词/代词;+介词+名词/代词; 常可用于: 1. 被动结构 2. range oneself; 3. range from… to … / between… and … 从……到……不等。;8. build up;9.Some byproducts of this process are called “greenhouse” gases, the most important one being carbon dioxide.; 这是一个含蓄虚拟条件句有时假设的情况并不以条件从句形式表示出来,而是通过一个介词短语或其他方式表示。常用的词或短语有:without, but for,but that,otherwise,or,but等。 Without your help ( = If we had not had your help),we could not have succeeded. 要是没有你的帮助,我们是不会成功的。 ;1. Memorize all the language points by heart. 2. Finish exercises of Discover


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