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;Brief introduction to Kong Xiangdong. 1.ask students whether they know anything about Kong Xiangdong. 2.Then teacher will say something around the following pictures.;Kong goes for folk!;In 1986, when he was 18, Kong became the youngest winner in Moscow’s Tchaikovsky International Competition.; ;Because of his talent, Kong became famous worldwide.;;;Reading comprehension strategies for the text. 1.Try to get general idea of the text for the first time ant then do exercise 2. ReadingTime Limited:5 minutes. 2.Read the text again for specific information. and then do true or false statements. Reading Time Limited:3 minutes. 3.Read the text for the third time trying to remember it and then close the books doing missing words. ;Read the text and answer these questions 1.What kind of music is Kong Xiangdong most famous for? He is famous for classical music. 2.What did Kong achieve in 1986? He became the youngest prize winner in Moscow’s Tchaikovsky International Competition. 3.Why did Kong shave off his hair? He shaved off his hair to show that his music style was new, just like his new hairstyle.;Fast-reading: true of false statements ( )1.As famous pianist, Kong surprised his fans by giving a concert of Chinese folk music yesterday. ( )2.After playing pop music for years, Kong felt the needs to be different from other musicians. ( )3.When he was 18, he got his first international prize in America. ( )4.Kong decided to rediscovered the beauty in Chinese classical music. ( )5.Kong wants to play Chinese folk music so as to be popular among Chinese. ( )6.Kong’ mother was a great music lover. ;Filling the missing words according to the text. 1.The famous _____ pianist ,Kong Xiang dong ,surprised his fans last week by giving a concert____classical music ____Chinese folk music. 2.Music has always been ____ of Kong’s world. As his mother was a great muisc____,he lived with music from his_____. 3.Because of Kon


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