Unit5RhythmPeriodThree Grammar课件(北师大版必修2).ppt

Unit5RhythmPeriodThree Grammar课件(北师大版必修2).ppt

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Unit 5 Rhythm Period Three Grammar 课件(北师大版必修2,广东专用); ;I have written home four times since I came here. 自从我到这儿来,我往家写了四封信。 Once you remember it,youll never forget it. 你一旦记住了它,就永远不会忘记。 2.when除了作“当……时候”解之外,还有“那时(突然),这时(突然)”之意,常用于下列句式:was/were doing...when...“正……突然……”;was/were about to/going to do...when...“正要……突然……”;had just done...when...“刚……突然就……”。 We were having a meeting when someone broke in. 我们正开会突然闯进一人。;We were about to set off on our way when it suddenly began to rain. 我们刚要出发,突然下雨了。 另外,when还可作“既然”解,引出原因状语从句。 It was foolish of you to take a taxi when you could easily walk there in five minutes. 既然能轻易地五分钟内步行到那儿,那么乘坐出租车你太傻了。;3.before“在……之前”,还可译为“还未……就……”;“不到……就……”;“……才……”;“趁着还没……就……”;“还没来得及……就……”等。 We had sailed four days and four nights before we saw land. 我们航行了四天四夜才看到陆地。 We hadnt run a mile before he felt tired. 我们跑了还不到一英里他就累了。 Please write it down before you forget it. 趁你现在没忘把它记下来。;Before I could get in a word,he had measured me. 我还没来得及插话他就给我量好了尺寸。 Before they reached the station,the train had gone. 他们还没到达火车站,火车就已开走了。;【辨析】 before/since before可构成句型:“it will(not)be...before”和“it was (not)...before...”,意为“多久之后才……”。 It will be half a year before I come back. 还要半年我才回来。 It wont be long before we meet again. 过不了多久,我们又会见面。;It was some time before I realized the importance of it. 过了一段时间我才意识到它的重要性。 since可构成句型:“It is/has been...since...”,意为“做某事已有多久了;已有多久没做某事了。” It is three years since the war broke out. 战争爆发以来,有三年了。;It is three years since she was in our class. 她离开我们班有三年了。 It is three years since he lived here. 他不在这儿住有三年了。 It is three years since I smoked. 我不吸烟有三年了。 It is three years since I began to smoke.我吸烟有三年了。;4.while和as都可译为“在……期间;正当……时”,表示主句中的动作和从句中的动作同时发生。但while从句中的谓语动词通常是持续性动词,而as从句中的谓语动词既可是持续性动词,也可是短暂性动词。 Please dont talk so loud while others are working. 其他人工作时,请你们不要高声谈话。 While I was wondering at this,our schoolmaster took his place. 正当我对此不解时,我们校长就座了。 He hurried home,looking behind as he went. 他匆匆忙忙跑回去,一边走一边回头望。 John sings as he works.约翰一边工作,一边唱歌。;注意:as还可译为“随着”,


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