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高中英语选修6  ; 第26讲 Unit 1 Art ;;第26讲 │ 美文佳句;第26讲 │ 美文佳句;第26讲 │ 美文佳句;第26讲 │ 美文佳句;Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.In that country, several a________ have been made on the presidents life, which amazed the world. 2.The magazine is intended to a________ to working women in their 20s and 30s. 3.This anti-smoking campaign is mainly a______ at young teenagers. 4.The best way to p______ your future is to create it.;5.Miss White received a b______ of flowers from her admirer. 6.It is _________(明显的)that he is not equal to the job. 7.Though plain-looking, Mary is _________(具有)of great intelligence. 8. Education should not be restricted to any one _________(特定的) age group. 9.What a ____________(巧合)! I wasnt expecting to see you here. 10.Childless couples are encouraged to ________(收养)the children who lost their parents in the Yu shu earthquake. ;;Ⅲ. 完成句子 1.一方面,他们想要孩子,但另一方面,他们又不想放弃自由自在的生活。 _________________, theyd love to have kids,__________ ___________, they dont want to give up their freedom. 2.多么希望我听从了你的建议! How I wish___________________________! 3.你对这些电影感兴趣吗? Do these films ____________?/Are _______________these films?;4.莎莉不是一个有进取心的人。如果她是的话,她会是一位比较成功的商人。 Sally is not an aggressive person. If she were,_________ _______________________________________________. 5.她试图夺取奥运会的第一枚金牌,但没有成功。 She ________________the first gold medal in the Olympic Games, but failed.; aim n.目标,目的 vt. vi.瞄准,对准;(向某方向)努力(常与介词at连用或后接动词不定式) aim at sth   旨在 aim at doing sth 力争做到某事 aim to do sth 旨在做某事 aim sth at sb 使某物对准某人 achieve/realize ones aim 达到目的 with the aim of 有……的目的 take aim at… 向……瞄准;第26讲 │ 单词点睛;2  typical  adj.典型的;有代表性的 be typical of sb/sth  是……的特点 It is typical of sb to do sth… 某人一向…… typically adv. 典型地;第26讲 │ 单词点睛;3  possess  vt.(to have as property; own)拥有;具有;支配 be possessed of     具有(某品质) be possessed with/by sth 一心想着某事 possession n. 财产;所有物(可数);持有; 拥有;占有(不可数) get/take/gain possession of 拥有,占有…… be in the possession of sb(= be in one‘s possession) 为某人所有


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