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类别; 1.erupt (v.) (1)(火山)爆发;(岩浆、烟等)喷出 An active volcano may erupt at any time. 活火山随时可能喷发。 (2)~(into sth) 突然发生;爆发 Violence has erupted on the streets. 大街上突然发生了暴乱。 (3)~(in/into sth) 突然发出(尤指叫喊) My neighbor erupted in anger over the noise. 噪声使我的邻居勃然大怒。;【知识拓展】 eruption [C U] 爆发 ①A few days later, Vesuvius was in violent eruption. 几天以后,维苏威火山猛烈爆发了。 ②Signs of dangerous social eruption, actually were few. 具有危险性的社会骚动迹象是很少的。;【知识运用】 (1)No one knows when the social volcano below modern society will________. A.crack     B.break C.erupt D.pour 答案:C 本题题意:谁也不知道埋在现代社会下的社会火山何时爆发。erupt表示“突然发生;爆发”。;(2)The wisdom of Chinese people will________like a volcano. A.break B.rush C.pour D.erupt 答案:D 本题题意:中国人的智慧就会像火山一样释放出来。erupt表示“(火山)爆发;(岩浆、烟等)喷出”。;2.compare (v.) 1)~A and B|~A with/to B 比较;对比 It is interesting to compare their situation and/with ours. 把他们的状况与我们的相比很有意思。 2)~with/to sb/sth 与……类似(或相似) This school compares with the best in the country. 这所学校可与全国最好的学校媲美。 3)~A to B 表明……与……相似;将……比作…… A teachers work is often compared to a candle. 教师的工作常被比作蜡烛。 ;【知识拓展】 1)compare notes(with sb)(与……)交换看法(或意见等) He is now comparing notes with his co-workers about the job. 他现在就工作问题与同事交换意见。 2)beyond/without/past compare 无与伦比;举世无双 She is lovely beyond compare. 她真是可爱得无与伦比。 3)compared to/with 与……相比(在句中担任状语) Compared with/to our parents, we are indeed very fortunate. 与我们的父辈相比,我们确实很幸运。;【词语辨析】 compare, contrast 这两个动词均含“比较”之意。 1)compare侧重比较两个或更多东西的异同优劣,强调相同或类似之处。 Compare this with that, and you will see which is better. 将这个与那个比较一下,你就会知道哪个比较好了。 2)contrast指比较两个或更多东西之间的差异,侧重不同点。 Her actions contrasted sharply with her promises. 她的行动与她的诺言有天壤之别。;【知识运用】 (1)(2009重庆- 25) Michaels new house is like a huge palace,________with his old one. A.comparing B.compares C.to compare D.compared 答案:D 本题题意:与旧房子相比,迈克尔的新房子看起来就像一座大宫殿。compared to/with表示“与…相比,”在句中担任状语。;(2)I________the copy with the original, but there was not much difference. A.matched B.compared C.met D.measured 答案:B 本题题意:我比较了复印件和原件,但是



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