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Ⅰ.词汇 1.This river is dangerous to ________ (游泳) in. 2.They are the people from ________ (不同的) cultures. 3.The crowd ________ (惊慌) at the sound of the explosion. 4.I ________ (保证) that youll enjoy yourself. 5.Please accept this gift in a________ of all youve done for us. 6.I was a ________ about the children when they didnt come back home from school.;7.The long hot climb made him s________. 8.The whole house t________ when the train went by. 答案:1.bathe 2.diverse 3.panicked 4.guarantee 5.appreciation 6.anxious 7.sweat 8.trembled;Ⅱ.短语 1.因……而颤抖 ________ 2.匆匆看一遍 ________ 3.渴望做……________ 4.处于恐慌状态之中________ 5.a diversity of ________ 6.have a gift for ________ 7.vary from...to... ________ 8.Its reported that... ________;答案:1.tremble with/at... 2.glance through 3.be anxious to do... 4.be in a panic 5.各种各样的 6.具有……天赋 7.由……到……不等 8.据报道…… ; 1.vary (v.) 1)(大小、形状等)相异,不同,有别 The translation varies a little from the original. 那篇翻译与原文有些出入。 2)~(with sth)|~(from sth to sth)|~(between A and B) (根据情况)变化,变更 The temperature varies from time to time. 温度常常变化。;3)变更;(略做)改变 Teachers should vary their lessons to make them more interesting. 为了增加趣味,教师应该使自己的课多样化。 ;【知识运用】 (1)(2006上海-43)Try not to start every sentence with “the”.________the beginnings of your sentences. A.Vary     B.Decorate C.Form D.Describe 答案:A 本题题意:不要总用the开头造句,应该使句子开头多样化。vary表示“(根据情况)变化, 变更,改变”。;(2)As opinions________on that point, no decision can be reached. A.vary B.change C.alter D.stick 答案:A 本题题意:在那一点上, 大家意见纷纷, 莫衷一是。vary 表示“(大小、形状等)相异,不同,有别”。;2.appreciation (n.) 1)[U]欣赏 She shows little or no appreciation of good music. 她对于好音乐鲜有或没有欣赏的能力。 2)[U sing.]~(of sth) 理解;体谅;同情 At the centre of books success is Twains appreciation of children. 本书获得成功的关键在于吐温能够理解儿童。 3)[U]~(of/for sth) 感激;感谢 We showed our appreciation with flowers. 我们用花表示谢意。;4)[C]~(of sth)(尤指艺术方面的) 鉴定,评价,评估 His appreciation of her chances of getting the promotion was correct. 他对她晋升机会所作的估计是对的。;【知识拓展】 appreciate (v.) 1)欣赏;赏识;重视 You cant fully appreciate foreig


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