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1. It shows a volcano erupting. erupt. vi ( 指火山,战争,危机,问题等) 爆发;突然发生 足球赛后城里发生了暴力事件。 Violence erupted in the city after the football match. eruption . n eruptive adj. in eruption 在喷发中;explode 爆炸 burst 爆炸,炸开 erupt 爆发 a volcano erupting 是一个动名词的复合结构, 在此作shows的宾语,其中a volcano 是动名 词erupting 逻辑上的主语。 I don’t understand his / him behaving like that. 我不明白他有那种行为。;;3. Yet, however weak we are, we are not completely powerless. yet. 在此是连词,作“但是,然而” (but, however) I have slept eight full hours, yet I’m still sleepy. 我睡了足足8个小时了,可还是想睡。;并列连词but 不可与从属连词though/ although 同时出现,而yet 作为副词,可与though /although 同时出现 ---Have you been to New Zealand ? --- No, I’d like to, _______. A, too B. though C. yet D. either though 可用作副词,意为“然而,但是”, 需置于 句末,而yet 应置于句首。;4. Can you imagine climb into a live volcano in order to take the temperature of the boiling rock inside. live. adj. live animals. 活的 live coverage of the World Cup 世界杯的实况转播;live coals 燃烧着的煤块 Pollution is still very much a live issue. 污染仍然是目前非常让人关注的问题 (目前所关心的,时下重大的);living , lively, alive, lovely, live 的区别: living, 现存的,活的 live , 活的, 现场直播的 alive 活着的,只作后置定语和表语。 lively, 精力充沛的,生气勃勃的 lovely 可爱的,美丽的,优美的,有吸引力的;take the temperature of sb. take sb’s temperature, 测量某人的体温 have /run a temperature 发烧 (=have / run a fever);5. Do you like adventure in your life? adventure. n. 奇遇,冒险(活动) adj. adventurous vt. 拿….冒险;大胆进行;大胆表示 She is so shy a girl that she never __________ an opinion in public. Boys like adventure. 男孩子喜欢冒险;6. I am never bored. bore. vt 使感到厌烦 bore. n 令人讨厌的人或事物 bored. adj. 感到厌烦的 boring adj. 令人厌烦的 Mr. Smith, ______ of the ______ speech, started to read a novel. There was a ______ expression on his face. The speech was so ______ that I fell asleep while listening.;7. …, because danger excites me and makes me feel alive. excite. vt. 使兴奋; 使激动;改错: Much to our excitements, our team won the game again The exciting look on his face suggested that he was much


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