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Unit 5 ;Unit 5; Teaching methods situational teaching method ; cooperative learning method; programmed teaching method; task-based and assessment teaching methods.;Teaching aims and demands;Arrangement of teaching;; appoint vt. (1)任命,委派 ;We must appoint someone to act as secretary. 我们得指定一个人当秘书。 Who shall we appoint as chairman?我们选派谁担任主席呢? (2)约定(时间、地点等) appoint sth.(for sth.)(为某事)确定(日期、场所) The time appointed for the meeting was 10∶30. 规定开会的时间是10点30分。 ; appointment n.任命;约会 make an appointment with sb.与某人约会 keep/break an appointment守/违约 I have an appointment with my old friend this Sunday. 我和老朋友在这个星期天见面。 You’d better not break your appointment. 你最好不要失约。; 1.I called the airline to________my flight reservation a week before I left for Canada. A.appoint        B.obtain C.confirm D.admit 【答案】 A; suit v.适合某人,对(某人)方便 ①The new dress suited her very well. 那套新服装和她很相配。 ②The seven o’clock train will suit us very well. 七点钟那一班火车对我们很合适。 ③If you want to go by bus,that suits me fine. 如果你想坐公共汽车去,那对我很方便。 ④Would it suit you to come at five?你五点钟来行吗?; 辨析:fit,suit与match (1)fit多指衣服等尺寸、大小合身,合适。 I tried the dress on but it didn’t fit.It was too small. 我试穿了那件连衣裙,但不合身。它太小了。 (2)suit指衣服等颜色、款式、花样等适合。 Does this skirt suit me?这条裙子我穿着好看吗? (3)match意为“使相称,使相配,使匹配”,指事物在大小、色调、性质等方面的搭配。 Her clothes don’t match her age.她的服装和年龄不相配。; 2.—What can I do for you? —I want to buy a red tie to________my new shirt. A.fit B.match C.suit D.be fit for 【解析】 match多指大小、形状、性质等方面的搭配,符合语境。 【答案】 B;3.(2008年天津卷)Her shoes______her dress;they look very well together. A.suit B.fit C.compare D.match 【解析】 句意为:她的鞋和她的裙子很匹配,搭配得很好。本题考查一组近义词辨析。suit是指颜色、花样或款式等相配,fit是大小、尺寸等正合适;compare比较;match指两个东西相称、匹配。 【答案】 D;4.—How about eight o’clock outside the cinema? —That________me fine. A.fit B.meets C.satisfies D.suits 【解析】 本题考查动词词义辨析。fit多指“(大小、形状等)适合,吻合”;suit多指“合乎需要、口味、条件等”;meet,satisfy常表示“满足(需要),符合(要求


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