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Lesson 2 Great Buildings;Enjoy some of the great buildings around the world ;Taj Mahal, India (泰姬陵) ;the Pyramid 埃及金字塔;Notre Dame de Paris 巴黎圣母院;When we talk about a building, we may mention the following:;concrete;What kind of building is it?;What kind of buildings are they?;词汇学习--根据语境,写出划线单词的意思,并背会。 1.Construction materials include stones, marble, metal and so on. (大理石 ) 2.There’s a statue in front of the building.(雕像 ) 3.The most beautiful parts of the building are the roof and balcony.(房顶 ) ( 阳台 ) 4.This skyscraper was made of new materials.(摩天大楼 ) 5.The castle was in ruins for 200 years. (毁坏 ) 6.He asked the architect some questions about the building. (建筑师 ) 7.It really looks like something from a fairytale.( 童话 ) 8.What are the features of this building? (特征,特色);2;It is one of the finest Gothic(哥特式) buildings anywhere in Europe. It was built from 1309 to 1424 and was finally finished in 1498.;It was build from 1899 to 1902. ;Eilean Donan Castle (Scotland);Chrysler Building is 319?metres high and is located on the east side of Manhattan. ;Listen and fill in the table.;The Palace of the Doges is one of the best_________ buildings in Europe. It was ____________in 1498. It has beautiful pink and while ___________ walls. From St. Mark’s Square you can see the balcony with _________ on either side. The Post Office Savings Bank was __________ in the early _______ century. The most beautiful part is the ________, which is green, blue, yellow and brown. On the ________, there are fantastic _____________ representing waves, flowers and angels. ;The _________ castle of Eilean Donan is one of the most ___________ buildings. It was built in the _______ century but was ___________ by the English in 1719. The castle was ____ _________for 200 years until it was __________ in 1932. It has a large __________ tower and __________ walls. The Chrysler Building is not the highest ____________ in NY, which was made of new materials: ___________,__________ and _____________. It


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