Unit6 DesignPeriodFive CommunicationWorkshop课件(北师大版必修2).ppt

Unit6 DesignPeriodFive CommunicationWorkshop课件(北师大版必修2).ppt

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Unit6 DesignPeriodFive CommunicationWorkshop课件(北师大版必修2).ppt

Period Five Communication Workshop ; Ⅰ.单词识记 1. ____________n.遗产 2. ____________n.委员会 3. ____________n.结论 4. ____________v.介绍,引见 5. ____________v.钦佩,仰慕 ; 6. ______________n.空调 7. ____________n.背景 8. ____________n.瀑布 9. ____________n.孔子 10. ____________v.描述; Ⅱ.短语天地 1. ____________是……的所在地/家,发源地 2. __________________________保护……免受……的伤害 3. ________________把某人介绍给某人 4. ________________远离,避开 5. ____________坐落于 ; 6.be surrounded by/with _______________ 7.be determined to do sth _______________ 8.agree to do sth ____________ 9.with the help of _______________ 10.take photos ____________;Ⅲ.句型有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站 1.It is located in a very nice place. [信息提取] be located in 坐落于。 [例句仿写] 广州坐落于中国的南方。 Guangzhou________ ________ ________the south of China. 2.Surrounded by fields,mountains and rivers,the Old Town of Lijiang looks like a jade ink stone in spring and summer. [信息提取] surrounded 过去分词作状语。 [例句仿写] 那个男孩正在跑步,后面跟着一条小狗。 ________ ________ a dog,the boy was running.; 3.Its finally our turn to do the wallboard in the school hall! [信息提取] Its ones turn to do sth 轮到某人做某事。 [例句仿写] 终于轮到我们踢球了。 Its finally ________ ________ ________play football. 【答案】 1.is located in 2.Followed by 3.our turn to;1.protect v.保护,防护; You need to wear more clothes to protect against the cold. 你要多穿些衣服以免着凉。 Try to protect your skin from the sun. 尽量保护皮肤不受太阳晒。 Kids should be protected from all the violence. 应保护孩子免受暴力的侵害。 ; 【完成句子】 他正戴着墨镜保护眼睛不受强烈阳光的剌激。 He is wearing sunglasses to ______his eyes ________ the strong sunlight. 【答案】protect;from;2.admire v.钦佩,仰慕,欣赏 Every year,visitors from all over the world come to admire the mountains,lakes,and streams. 每年,都会有很多来自世界各地的游客来参观这里的山水。 I admire (her for) the way she handles her staff. 我钦佩她对待下属的那一套办法。 You may not like him,but youve got to admire his persistence.你可以不喜欢他,但是你不得不佩服他那种坚韧的精神。; 【完成句子】 我们仰慕这位对祖国做出贡献的老科学家。 We ________the old scientist ________his contribution ________the country. 【答案】admire;for;to ; 3.except a.除(某人,某物)之外(表示所说的不包括在内) The shop is open every day except Sunday. 这家商店除周日外,每


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