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Lesson 2 Great Buildings;Objectives: To practise using vocabulary of buildings. To listen and make notes To describe your dream buildings;Enjoy some of the great buildings around the world ;Taj Mahal, India (泰姬陵) ;Roman Colosseum 罗马大斗兽场;pyramid 埃及金字塔;the Great Wall;London Bridge 伦敦桥;Sydney Opera 悉尼歌剧院;Notre Dame de Paris 巴黎圣母院;Eiffel Tower 巴黎埃菲尔塔;Sagrada Familia;Petronas Towers 吉隆坡双子塔;What is it made of? (materials);concrete;Petronas Towers 吉隆坡双子塔;What kind of building is it?;What kind of building is it?;What kind of building is it?;A palace;Petronas Towers 吉隆坡双子塔;Features:; ;2;Listening;;1. What kind of building does the man mention? A. palace B. bank C. skyscraper D. castle 2. In which period was the building built? A. modern B. ancient C. 1930s D. early twentieth century 3. What kind of material(s) was the building made of? A. concrete, metal and glass B. stone C. not mentioned D. marble 4. What features does the building have? A. balcony and statues B. tower and thick walls C. metal roof D. fantastic decorations on the roof ;;1. What kind of building does the man mention? A. palace B. bank C. skyscraper D. castle 2. In which period was the building built? A. modern B. ancient C. 1930s D. early twentieth century 3. The most beautiful part of the building is___. A. the wall B. the roof C. the balcony D. the statue 4. The fantastic decorations represent the following except_______. A. angels B. waves C. fish D. flowers;;Listening Task 2 Fill in the form below:;;The Chrysler Building in ____ ___is not the _______skyscraper there, but it is one of the most ________. This skyscraper was made of new ________: metal, ________and glass. It was built in the _____ and has a beautiful metal ________.;kinds of buildings;Speaking Activities; ; ; ; What kind of building would


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