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Unit 2 Poems;16.convey传达; 运送 言语不能表达我的感情. Words cannot______ _______ ________. This ship ____ ________ (运送油)from the middle east.;1.concrete adj 具体的 n 混凝土;?2.flexible ? 灵活的,可弯曲的,柔韧的;1.A piece of rubber hose is________. 橡皮管可以弯曲。; 3.take it easy 轻松;不紧张;从容 There’s nothing serious, take it easy. Take the time ;4.run out of= use up 用完 We are running out of fuel. 5.make up of(多用于被动语态)构成 The machine is ___ ____ ____ (由很多零件组成)many parts. Five players made up of a basketball team.;14. endless 1) 无尽的;长久的 The journey seemed endless. 这旅程仿佛是无穷无尽的;1.The voyage seemed________. 这次海上航行的旅程似乎没有尽头;6. in particular ?特别, 尤其;1.She stressed that point___________. 她特别强调了那一点.;7. eventually adv 最后;终于 同义词:finally 1)I was eventually granted an exit visa. 我终于获得了出境签证。;1.The government _________collapsed in 1970. 该政府终于在一九七○年倒台了。;8.transform 转化;转换;变换;改造 他把这个汽车房改造成一个娱乐室. He ___________the garage ____a recreation room . The distress transformed his character. transform= change the shape, appearance, quality or nature of …;15.forever 1. 永远 Nobody lives forever. 没有人会永生。 2. (与进行时连用)老是,不断地 Some students in my class are forever talking. 我班上有些学生老是在说话。;1.May the friendship between the peoples of (our) two countries last_______. 祝两国人民的友谊万古长青;9. appropriate 适当的;正当的 1) 适当的,恰当的,相称的[(+to/for)] She picked up a dress appropriate for the occasion. 她挑了一件适合该场合穿的衣服。;1.Plain and simple clothes are ___________for school wear. 朴素的服装适合在学校里穿;10. exchange ?n.交换;交流;互换 vt vi.调换,交换;交流;1. We _________ our opinions about the event at the meeting. 在会上,我们就此事交换了意见;11. sponsor ? n.赞助者,主办者;倡议者 vt.发起,举办;倡议;1.She was my_________ when I was applying for Party membership. 她是我的入党介绍人。;12. try out ?试验,测试;1.She is raring to ________ her new skates. 她很想试试她那双新溜冰鞋. 2.You ought to ________ that radio before you buy it. 那部收音机你应该试了再买;13. let out ? 1)vt. 放出(泄露,出去) They let out horses by the day. 他们按天计算出租马匹。 He opened the window to let out the foul air.? 他打开窗户,放出污浊的空气。



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