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Unit3 A healthy Life Words and expressions; ;(1)abuse骂;讲……的坏话。指用欠公正、欠冷静甚至刻薄、恶毒、不敬的言语辱骂或攻击。如: She abused her ex-husband mercilessly. 她骂起前夫来毫不留情。 (2)insult侮辱,凌辱。强调傲慢无礼地故意伤害和羞辱对方。也指一般的轻慢或怠慢。如: I felt most insulted when they made me sit at a little table at the back.他们让我坐在后面的小桌边时我感到极大的屈辱。;这样考过 ①(2009·江西师大附中)He is a worthy leader,who never________ his power which is given by the people. A.uses      B.abuses C.ignores D.forces 答案:B;stress n.压力; 重音,重读 [C] be under (the) stress (of) suffer from stress the stresses and strains of modern life;.ban vt.禁止;取缔 n.禁令;谴责 Swimming is banned in this lake.这个湖里不准游泳。 He was banned from driving for three months. 他被禁止驾驶三个月。 ban sb.from doing sth.禁止某人做某事 place/put...under a ban禁止…… lift the ban on/against...对……开禁 提示:作名词时,ban后面经常跟on sth.的搭配,表示“对……的禁止”。;辨析:forbid与ban (1)forbid是常用词,指“命令某人不做某事”。如: The doctor forbids him to smoke.医生禁止他吸烟。 (2)ban语气较重,指权威机关“正式禁止”,含“严厉谴责”之意,只能用事物作其宾语。如: Ban atomic and nuclear weapons!禁止原子武器和核武器!;due to ①由于,起因于;应付给……的,其中due为形容词,to为介词。 The accident was due to careless driving. 车祸起因于驾驶疏忽。 ②表“起因于”的词组还有: owing to归功于,由于 because of因为 thanks to多亏了 on account of由于 by/in virtue of由于 arise from引起 result from起因于 lie in归因于;在于;这样考过 ②(2009·盐城调研)The sports meet,originally ________ be held last Friday,was finally delayed because of the bad weather. A.due to B.thanks to C.owing to D.according to 解析:due to“因为”作prep.,也可用于be due to do“预定做某事”;thanks to“多亏了,因为”;owing to“因为”;according to“按照”。由句意:运动会原定于上周五举行,结果因为天气不好被推迟了。知选A。 答案:A;③(2009·临沂质检)The secret of her success may ________ the fact that she knows when to study and when to play. A.result in B.lie in C.fill in D.take in 解析:考查动词短语辨析。动词短语result in导致,lie in在于,fill in适应、消磨掉,take in吸收。本句话的意思是:她成功的秘密在于“她知道劳逸结合”这一事实。故答案选B。 答案:B;addicted adj.入了迷的;上了瘾的 addict vt.使沉溺于;使入迷;使醉心 n.有瘾的人 addictive adj.(药物等)(使人)上瘾的;养成习惯的;习惯性的 addict oneself to使自己沉溺于、醉心于…… be/become addicted to沉溺于,醉心于 提示:不管是动词addict还是形容词addicted或名词addiction,后面的to都是介词。;辨析:addicted与addictiv


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