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Unit 2 Working the land ;1.Find the word or phrase from the text for each of these meaning.;_______ to send things to foreign countries for sale ___________ pleased by having what one wants or needs _______ to provide with things necessary for a certain purpose _______ plants grown in large amounts by farmers _______ because of ;Answer keys for Ex.2 on Page 11:;Answer keys for Ex.3 on Page 11:;Answer keys for Ex.1 on Page 49;export → export comment → comment focus → focus regret → regret struggle → struggle sum → sum ;Answer keys for Ex.1 on Page 49;Answer keys for Ex.2 on Page 49;Answer keys for Ex.3 on Page 49;5.I think I′m going to use a report about how farmers are keeping their fields free of chemical fertilizers . 6. It took the farmer twenty years to build up his business. 7.Using too much chemical fertilizer will lead to serious problems.;The using of -ing form;The –ing form as the Subject &Object;②用形式主语it,把真正的主语——动名词结构移置句尾。但这种句子形式有一定的限制,作表语的只能是某些形容词或少数名词,如useful,useless,good,fun;no use,worth等。如: 和夏洛克争辩是没有什么用的。 It is useless trying to argue with Shylock. 这事值得去做。 It’s worth making the effort. 想再解释一次有好处吗? Is it any good trying to explain? 跟你在一起工作是令人愉快的。 It is pleasant working with you.;③在there be结构中作主语,这种结构的意思相当于“It is impossible to do… ”。 例如: 若要人不知,除非己莫为。 There is no hiding of evil but not to do it. 这种事开不得玩笑。 Here is no joking about such matter. 无法知道他什么时候离开 There was no knowing when he would leave. ;It +be +a waste of time doing 做…是浪费时间的 It is/was no good/use doing 做…是没用处的 It is/was hardly/scarcely worth doing 做…不值得 It is/was worth/worthwhile doing 做…是值得的 There is no doing 无法…, 不允许…;There is no sense in doing 做…没有道理 There is/was no use doing 干…无意义 There is/was nothing worse than doing 没有比…更糟的 There is/was no point doing 干…无意义;注意:There is no need to do sth 干、、、没必要,在此句式中to do 不可换为doing.. 没有必要告诉她。 There is no need to tell her. 提示:当动名词用作主语时,其逻辑主语由??容词性物主代词和名词所有格构成。 我姐姐病了,使我很担心。 My sisters being ill made we worried. 你正确未必就意味着我错了。 Your being



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